Silent Study translations

Nov 08, 2009 18:35

Translations for The Many and Varied conversations of Jim and Bones - Silent Study

Justadoctor says: irrumator (facefucker)
GodsGift69 says: What?
Justadoctor says: you are the treasurer of the xenolinguistic club
Justadoctor says: you figure it out
GodsGift69 says: Is that an invitation?
Justadoctor says: minime (No)
Justadoctor says: cat got your tongue jim?
GodsGift69 says: Bracae tuae apertae sunt. (your fly is open)
Justadoctor says: took you a while to find that
Justadoctor says: and no I don't need to look
GodsGift69 says: No seriously, it is.
Justadoctor says: sure Jim sure

GodsGift69 says: Podex perfectus es (You are an accomplished ass)
Justadoctor says: one of these days we are going to have to deal with the swelling of the ego region of your cerebral cortex
Justadoctor says: having fun with google?
GodsGift69 says: You are!
GodsGift69 says: Canicula (Bitch)
Justadoctor says: I'm a doctor we know latin
GodsGift69 says: I know a lot of languages.
Justadoctor says: took you a while to know this one
GodsGift69 says: K Chortoo (go to hell - russian)
GodsGift69 says: Bones, stop playing with your zipper.
Justadoctor says: Ad tertiam vicem, Jim, Ad tertiam vicem (for the third time, Jim, for the third time)
Justadoctor says: well it seems to be stuck
GodsGift69 says: Yeah. Right.
GodsGift69 says: Don't look stuck to me.
Justadoctor says: I might just have to cura te ipsum (Physician, heal thyself)
Justadoctor says: are you having to look it up Jim?
Justadoctor says: I know that look
GodsGift69 says: Tu scortum es (You are a whore)
Justadoctor says: you don't know the answer
Justadoctor says: really?
GodsGift69 says: Te odeo, interfice te cochleare. (I hate you, kill yourself with a spoon)
Justadoctor says: how much you think I'm worth?
GodsGift69 says: Potes meos suaviari clunes (You can kiss my ass)
Justadoctor says: a spoon Jim?
GodsGift69 says: Yes, a spoon
Justadoctor says: you wish
GodsGift69 says: Quando podeces te regem eorum fecerunt? (When did the assholes make you their king?)
Justadoctor says: and I know where it has been and I ain't kissing it
Justadoctor says: age before beauty Jim
Justadoctor says: didn't you tell me I was your king the other night
Justadoctor says: as I was dragging your fool ass back here?
Justadoctor says: so the asshole who made me king - that would be you
GodsGift69 says: Pedica te caballumque (fuck you and the horse you rode in on up the ass)
Justadoctor says: Hic puer est stultissimus omnium! (This boy is the stupidest of all!)
Justadoctor says: If you want to screw a shuttle, be my guest
GodsGift69 says: Peri (Fuck off)
Justadoctor says: touchy touchy Jim
GodsGift69 says: matris fututor (Fucker of the Mother)

Justadoctor says: I know how desperate you are to hear these words
Justadoctor says: volo ut me felles (I want you to suck my dick)
Justadoctor says: but they shall never pass my lips
Justadoctor says: *smirks*
Justadoctor says: ahh he is having to look it up again
GodsGift69 says: I hate you

GodsGift69 says: Meretrix (prostitute)
Justadoctor says: Ad secundum vicem, Jim, how much? (For the second time, Jim, how much?)
GodsGift69 says: Iuppiter te perdat! (damn you!)
Justadoctor says: and btw that is the feminine you are calling me
GodsGift69 says: vapula! (get beat!)
GodsGift69 says: Now who's googling?
Justadoctor says: I'm waiting for your answer

GodsGift69 says: Dormi mecum (sleep with me)
GodsGift69 says: For luck?

GodsGift69 says: Dormi mecum. (sleep with me)
GodsGift69 says: Please?
Justadoctor says: Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo (Don't call me, I'll call you)
GodsGift69 says: Fine.

rating: r, fanfic, kirk-mccoy, star trek

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