Fic: Don't kill yourself! Just stick it! - 3 August 2012 & 8 August 2012 (chapter 6/6)

Sep 19, 2012 17:32

Title: Don’t kill yourself! Just stick it! - Friday, 3 August 2012 & Wednesday, 8 August 2012 (Chapter 6/6)
Beta: dizilla and aquila_star
Rating: NC17 (overall)
Word Count: 6,843 (43,000 overall)
Pairings/Characters: Kirk/McCoy, Pike, Spock, Sulu, Chekov, Scotty, Nero, Archer, Uhura
Warnings: Sex, AU - olympic gymnastics
Disclaimer: Not mine, dammit!

Summary: An interesting training session, a night out and a night in. Sometimes things do fall into place just how you want them.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 on AO3 here.

Jim tried to stifle his yawn, but he wasn’t successful. At the raised eyebrow from Spock, Jim just smiled before he started on his repetitions, working on the strength needed to do a top class rings routine. The rings were set up in a corner of the gym, near a small room that was Scotty’s domain. Jim knew that Scotty had been closeted in there for a while with Archer, who hadn’t look pleased when he called Scotty to follow him. To make matters even more distracting to Jim, Nero had turned up and was currently over on the other side of the gym, though he kept looking at the U.S. Team area when he was speaking with Ayel, his main assistant coach. Their discussion was fairly animated, it appeared that Ayel was attempting to placate Nero about something.

Bones and Spock had spotted him as well and had done their utmost to ensure that Pike didn’t see Nero.

“Mr. Kirk, concentration please,” Pike ordered, causing Jim to wobble and fall sideways.

“Again. Remembering you have a core would be good,” Pike ordered before he turned back to watch Cupcake who was on the rings.

Jim had done his run-throughs on the rings before but Pike and Spock weren’t happy with his work. Bones had been right, his back was causing him a few little twinges that meant he had to make adjustments to his normal flow. Chapel had worked him over good that morning, and he was now really feeling the after effects of the massage. He finished the last set of reps and grabbed his bottle, making sure to get as much fluids in as possible.

Pavel had called Bones over to discuss something with him and Spock was working over a move with Cupcake, which meant they were both distracted and hadn’t noticed that Nero was heading in Pike’s direction.

“How nice to see you up and about, Christopher. Your illness was obviously not as debilitating as it appeared,” Nero said.

Pike turned slowly, keeping his face blank. Jim walked over to stand at Pike’s back, watching Nero. Jim soon found himself joined by Spock as well, flanking Pike on the other side.

“I have excellent medical care,” Pike replied.

“It might be called miraculous, wouldn’t you say Spock?” Nero asked, looking pointedly at Spock.

“Dr. McCoy is an excellent physician and we take the health and well being of all our team as the most important consideration,” Spock replied.

“Risks were never a strong point with your father or you. I was amazed that you allowed Kirk to perform the Kobayashi Maru, considering it killed his father. Or was that the influence of your doctor? Such measures they had to take in your absence, Christopher.” Nero directed his attention to Jim and Pike again. “Such inexperience.”

Jim just barely held himself back from punching the guy out for mentioning his dad. He would have probably launched at the guy if he hadn’t felt the calming touch of Bones’ hand on the small of his back.

“They seemed to do just fine,” Pike replied.

Jim looked over at Spock to see if there was any reaction there, but like it so often was, Spock’s face was a blank slate. What Jim did see was Cupcake looking confused at what was going on and Pavel looking concerned. Even better though, was when Jim saw that Scotty and Archer were standing just inside Scotty’s room, listening in on the encounter. If they could get Nero to reveal something with Archer there, it would seal his fate. Nero did have a temper, and Spock pushed it just by being present, Jim had observed.

“I would say more than fine, seeing as we won and everything. Spock wouldn’t you agree we did more than fine?” Jim asked, hoping Spock would take the bait and help provoke Nero.

“It was acceptable, but we do have high standards in the United States,” Spock said.

“Yeah, some of those former Eastern Bloc countries…” Jim shook his head and hoped that Pavel would keep his mouth shut.

Thankfully Pavel did, but there was a flash of anger in Nero’s eyes. Jim had seen him lay into one of his gymnasts for a really minor issue, so Jim tried for another push. “Next time, you might have to kidnap the whole team for your plan to work. Instead you gave Spock all the glory.”

Nero stepped forward, temper lost. He almost literally hissed out his next words. “You ruined it all. You with the vault that should have killed you just like it did your father.”

“Well, it didn’t, and we are all standing here. Plus your guys were so incompetent they didn’t really hurt Captain Pike either. Big fail from start to finish. Maybe next time don’t rely on family to do your dirty work.”

“Do not insult my family. You are not worth a tenth of any of them.”

Nero had stepped forward and Jim held his ground as he saw Nero clench his fist. He didn’t need to counter a strike as even before Nero could get a good swing, Pike had grabbed his arm. Jim heard the low growl from Bones and could feel him move even closer to Jim.

“Don’t even think about touching one of my gymnasts or I will put you on your ass so fast you won’t have time to fiddle,” Pike said, glaring at Nero.

“You dare to touch me? I should not have told them to be careful with you. You Americans think you can get away with anything. You steal our best and claim the glory all to yourself,” Nero was almost spitting out each word now as his focus was purely on Pike.

“What would be less than gentle from what I received?” Pike asked, eyes narrowing.

“You would not be walking now, or maybe even breathing,” Nero said as he shrugged. “My word is law, and they obey.”

“Have you heard enough, Jonathan?” Pike asked.

Jim tried not to smile as Nero turned in surprise to see Jonathan Archer walking in their direction.

“More than enough, although you should have let him attempt to strike Mr. Kirk, as that would have caused his accreditation to be revoked immediately. No offence, Mr. Kirk,” Archer said.

“None taken. Already got one shiner, a matching set would’ve been fine,” Jim replied.

“Jim!” Bones protested.

“Your pass, if you please, Nero,” Archer said as he held out his hand.

“You are American like them,” Nero said crossing his arms over his chest and refusing to comply with Archer’s request.

“At this moment I am the competition director. Mr. Scott is the Equipment Manager and there are a number of volunteers that have also witness this altercation. Your pass, and do not make me ask again.” Archer was still holding his hand out, but made a motion for Nero to put his pass in it. “Mr. Scott, can you please notify security to escort Mr. Nero from the building and I do believe this trip will end out of the country.”

“Keenser has called them. There they are now,” Scotty replied and pointed at the far door, where two security guards were entering the gym.

Their appearance had halted Nero, who had turned as if to make a run for it.

“I think Scotland Yard, might want to have a wee chat with Mr. Nero first,” Scotty said with a smug look on his face.

“I think we can arrange that,” Archer replied.

Jim knew that his smile was a full-blown smirk as he considered the ramifications for Nero. Not only would he have the shame of being kicked out of an Olympics, his loose tongue should ensure that he would be facing a charge for Pike’s kidnapping. As Archer and Scotty moved to block Nero from running away, Pike clapped his hands making the rest of the team wander back to where they had been working before Nero turned up. Jim turned around and while Bones wasn’t smiling himself, there was a look of determined satisfaction on his face.


“This is a stupid idea,” Bones said as they walked from the Marble Arch tube station along the side of Hyde Park.

There was music going on in the park, but Jim could only see the side of some screens above the fence and people walking everywhere. It looked to be a very busy Friday night in London.

“Having a dinner out and not at the Athlete’s Dining room is a stupid idea? Tell me something, Bones, who’s spent most of the past week complaining about the placement of a McDonalds in the village?” Jim asked as he turned around and started walking backwards, watching Bones as he did so.

The view was nice. Bones was in navy pants and a matching colored shirt, tucked in with a button loose at the top, giving just a little hint of the skin lying underneath the material. In his hands was a jacket, as Jim had been warned there was a dress code for Le Gavroche.

“Where are we going anyway?” Bones asked as he looked around the street.

Jim turned around, narrowly missing another couple walking the other way. He moved to the side to avoid the collision and stopped when he saw the cars through the window. The Union Jack was everywhere and when he looked carefully, it was obvious why it was so prominent in this window--an Aston Martin dealership. In the main position was a classic car, a gleaming red that had Jim feeling a little twinge of guilt at the loss of his Dad’s own classic car.

“Down this way,” Jim said as he walked away from the window and around the corner onto Upper Brooks St.

The crowd was a little thinner on this street, so Jim picked up his pace, after glancing at his watch. They were almost late for their reservation and Scotty had warned him to not be late, especially on a Friday night. He had to work hard to get the reservation in the first place, being a gold medalist really came in handy in keeping the restaurant on the line to talk to him. Plus Scotty knew the General Manager, so he had gotten on the phone too, to confirm that Jim was who he said he was. No two months wait in advance reservation for him, and Bones would hopefully appreciate the effort Jim had gone to.

Jim pulled out his phone to check Google maps, wanting to know where they were in comparison to the restaurant. They were on the wrong side of the road, so Jim looked quickly left and right, realizing that it was a one way street. When the next car passed, Jim jogged across the road, knowing that Bones would follow, but he still looked back to check. Bones was being silent, which had Jim a little worried, but he was still following. The modern business architecture which was flanking Hyde Park had given way to older style buildings, most of them appearing to actually be joined houses. Jim nearly passed the entrance as he looked toward the lights up ahead, but the New York style awning was a bit of a giveaway.

“After you,” Jim offered as he indicated the door ahead.

It was remarkably unprepossessing, with the name of the restaurant painted on the glass above. As Bones pushed the door open, Jim got his first look at one of London’s top eateries. It was a surprise to him, as he pulled his jacket on, remembering Scotty’s advice. It was very beige and cream and quite dated. Jim admired the grace Bones was displaying as he pulled on his own jacket. A staff member walked around the corner interrupting Jim’s perusal of Bones.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” he said. “Welcome to Le Gavroche.”

“Hi, Jim Kirk. I have a reservation,” Jim said.
They waited patiently while the reservation was checked.

“Indeed, sir. May I pass on my congratulations on your successful games so far. If you would be pleased to follow me,” the waiter said as he indicated down the small corridor.

Off to their left was some glass doors where a very red and tartan room could be seen that had some comfy looking chairs and was fairly full of people with drinks in hand. As they walked down the corridor, Jim could see a dining room off to the right, the restaurant appeared to be packed and quite noisy to go along with all the people in such small spaces. The waiter walked down some stairs and Jim followed. At the base of the little stairway was another dining room, mostly in green. The waiter led them to the far side of the room and a little couch that wrapped around a table.

“Your table,” the waiter indicated with an arm.

“Bones.” Jim offered the choice of place for Bones to sit first.

Jim watched as Bones sat down and then he slipped into the other side, moving just a bit so that he was as close to Bones as he could get without touching him. Jim smiled as Bones looked down at their close proximity and then raised an eyebrow at Jim. Their little silent communication was broken by the menus being held out toward them.

“Can we start you on some drinks?” the waiter asked.

Jim opened his mouth to speak but Bones beat him to it.

“Just some water. Mr. Kirk has a competition still to go,” Bones pointed out.

Jim resisted poking his tongue out.

“Very good. Still or sparkling?”

“Still,” Jim said, not letting Bones have all his own way.

The waiter nodded and then disappeared, leaving them to look over their menus. Jim discarded the idea of the degustation. Eight choices for main would be too heavy when he had to compete tomorrow, as Bones had just needlessly reminded him.

“Jim,” Bones said quietly, sounding a little unsure.

“Hmm?” Jim replied.

“Does yours have prices?”

Jim looked at his menu and the prices off to the side on the menu and then looked over at Bones’ which had been angled so Jim could see it. Sure enough there were no prices on Bones’ menu.

“Mine has prices.”

“God dammit!” Bones swore. “I’ve got the ‘ladies’ menu.”

Jim tried not to laugh at Bones’ disgust; he failed in that endeavor.

“You are my date...” Jim pointed out. “Just order what you want. Don’t worry about it.” Jim patted Bones on the leg in a consoling motion.

Jim chuckled at the look Bones gave him before Bones went back to perusing the menu. Jim had seen something that caught his eye on the menu and as Bones hadn’t pushed his hand off his leg, Jim left it there as he put the menu down.

Bones was still looking over the menu, when two waiters returned to their table. One had the water they had ordered and the other some bread, which was placed down on the table.

“Are you ready to order, gentlemen?”

“I’m good, what about you, Bones? Made a decision?” Jim looked at Bones.

“I’m ready,” Bones said as he nodded.

“Excellent,” the waiter said as he looked first at Jim.

“I’ll have the Filet de Boeuf Grillé et Purée d'Epinards Poêlée de Champignons,” Jim said.

“An excellent choice sir, and how would you like your Boeuf?”

“Medium rare.”

“And for you, sir?” The waiter had turned to Bones.

“Grilled scallops with clam minestrone,” Bones said, snapping his menu closed and offering it to the waiter.

Jim offered his to be collected as well, as the waiter spoke to them once more.

“Would you like a recommendation for an accompanying wine to your meals?”

“As I said, Jim’s on water for this evening, but I’ll have a glass with my meal, whatever is recommended.”

“Spoiling my fun,” Jim said as he leaned in close to speak quietly to Bones.

“If I was spoiling ya fun, your hand wouldn’t still be on my leg,” Bones pointed out just as quietly.

Jim smiled wickedly as he slowly moved his hand higher until Bones slapped his own hand over the top, stopping Jim from moving it further.

“As I said. Spoilsport,” Jim pointed out, noticing that the waiter had moved away at some stage.

“Jim,” Bones warned, glancing around.

“Oh stop it. Nobody can see, and don’t tell me you don’t like my hands on you!”

“That’s besides the point. We’re in a goddamn restaurant with prices you probably can’t afford, and everyone keeps looking over at you.”

“Don’t think they are just looking at me. You’re a good looking guy too, especially when you give me looks like that,” Jim said as he licked his bottom lip. It was feeling really dry and Bones’ slightly heavy lidded look was making Jim want to lean forward and kiss him.

“Jim.” Bones was still trying to warn him off and, really, after three years of friendship, Bones was deluded if he thought that just saying Jim’s name in that tone was going to stop him.

“You keep that up, I will walk outta here.”

Okay, that would stop Jim, but Jim knew he was still going to try a possible compromise.

“What if I don’t go any higher than here?” Jim offered as his fingers reached just below Bones’ groin. “I solemnly swear--”

“To do no good? That’s your motto in life. Tell me something I don’t know,” Bones interrupted.

“No. I solemnly swear that while we are having this meal, I will not touch you higher than here. Once it’s over is a whole another matter though,” Jim promised as he drew little circles with the tips of his fingers.

Bones was still just staring at Jim, the look close to the one Jim had seen before Bones had kissed him. Jim swayed slightly forward, still wanting desperately to kiss Bones. It had been too long for his liking, not since yesterday morning.

“Going to break your promise already?” Bones whispered.

“If you let me,” Jim countered. “You know it’ll be good.”

“No,” Bones said, breaking the spell that had wound around the pair of them, blocking out the rest of the diners in the room. He leaned over and picked up his glass of water. Jim watched as Bones took a sip, looking out at the rest of the room and ignoring Jim.

Jim smiled. The challenge had been laid out.


As they travelled back to the village on the Tube, Jim silently congratulated himself on his circumspect behavior at the restaurant. Unlike their trip over, they found two seats together, but just like their trip over, they both had taken their jackets off. The Tube was still much warmer compared to the cool evening air outside. Over the course of the meal, which had been delicious and weirdly satisfying, despite the small portions provided, Jim had alternated between slowly seducing Bones with his hands and then backing off and just chatting like the friends they were. He knew that had been throwing Bones for a loop. Even when the chef himself came out to talk to them, an honor he bestowed for every diner, Bones had still been half-watching Jim.

Jim had been closely watching Bones’ reactions in return, and he knew that Bones was aroused. Especially with Bones’ flushed cheeks, which Jim knew was not from the single glass of white wine that he’d had to accompany his seafood. When Bones excused himself to go the toilet, it took all of Jim’s willpower to not follow him. The news was likely to break tomorrow, or even as early as tonight, that the Romanian head coach had been arrested and adding to the speculation by being caught in Le Gavroche’s toilet kissing the team doctor wouldn’t put him in Pike’s good books. Besides, this was supposed to be Jim showing Bones he could take him on a date, and he knew that he was going to kiss Bones goodnight anyway. He was definitely going to walk him home.

Instead of talking about what was going on between them, they debated on the trip home who had the better tasting meal. Bones always voted on the side of seafood over beef. Jim argued that Bones was swayed by the wine, whereas Jim had just the meal to compliment itself. The argument became circular in nature, with neither giving way, until Jim mentioned the earlier walk back to the Tube from the restaurant and tried to entice Bones into Hyde Park to enjoy some time with the masses that were celebrating there. That set Bones off about Jim’s reckless nature which he still hadn’t, apparently, tempered. Jim steered him off the Tube and into the village as Bones continued listing every example he could remember of Jim’s past indiscretions. Jim waved at the security guys as they passed them, letting Bones continue on with his rant as they headed toward their apartment block.

“That’s an awesome memory you have of me, Bones. Anyone would think that maybe you are obsessed,” Jim pointed out as he opened the door to their room, and indicating for Bones to enter first.

Bones stood, a little nonplussed, blinking at Jim before he opened his mouth and nothing came out, so he poked a finger at Jim instead. Jim just smiled at him and waited for Bones to walk into their room. As soon as Bones crossed over that threshold, Jim was going to take charge.

“Get in the room, Bones. Don’t make me stand here and hold the door open all night,” Jim said.

That galvanized Bones, who stalked into their apartment with a little huff. Jim chuckled at Bones’ put upon body language.

As Bones dropped his jacket on the chair, Jim took his opportunity, dropping his own jacket quickly and grabbing Bones, spinning him around and kissing him before he could register a protest. Bones groaned and grabbed back at Jim, pulling him close, all the build up and tension from the dinner now being expressed physically. With a little coaxing, Jim had Bones opening up to him and he got to, once more, taste the delight that was Bones. The taste of the wine was faint in Bones’ mouth, but Jim chased after it with his tongue as his hands slid down Bones’ back to start to pull his shirt out of his pants, seeking warm flesh to touch.

Jim gasped as Bones pushed him back into the wall, breaking their contact.

“Jim,” Bones breathed out, looking a little regretful.

“Fuck no,” Jim swore. “I know you want me, so what’s the problem now?” Jim was looking pointedly down at Bones’ pants and the impressive tenting happening.

“You are still an athlete...”

“Back on that again are we? I thought we had that sorted out,” Jim said in return, glaring at Bones.

“Jim, this is just really fast.”

That bit Jim conceded to himself was true.

“I behaved myself at dinner, and god knows I wanted to follow you into the bathroom, especially when you looked back at me. I didn’t. So, don’t I get a reward now?” Jim asked, knowing that his voice was a little plaintive and hating it. He had never wanted someone to want him as much as he did in that moment.

“I just... you know I’m not one to publicize things,” Bones pointed out.

“Yeah, I know,” Jim said. It was one of the many things that Jim liked about Bones. He would speak if he really felt passionately about something, and most of his ranting was just his way of protecting himself from trying not to really reveal what he was thinking. Jim knew how to listen to Bones.

“We’re not out in public here,” Jim pointed out.

“No, we ain’t,” Bones said, looking down at Jim, his stare stopping around Jim’s groin.

Jim grinned and slowly slid his hands down, testing a theory. Ever so slowly he cupped himself, remembering their first encounter and how Bones had watched intently, almost as if he couldn’t help himself, as Jim had rubbed his erection.

“I was good in public. I listened when you didn’t want to go into the Park with everyone else. I didn’t kiss you in the restaurant, when you were silently begging for me to do so,” Jim pointed out as he slowly rubbed himself up and down, breath catching a little as he did so. “I know you are hesitant, and yet, god, you are one sexy guy. Help me out here!”

Jim had started to undo his belt, desperate to get his hands on himself, his dick was demanding attention and if Bones wasn’t going to give it to him, he needed to get something, anything, now.

Bones moved fast, pushing Jim’s hands out of the way as he got his hands around Jim’s dick.

“Fuck! Bones!” Jim managed to get out as his head thumped back into the wall, eyes closed as he enjoyed the feel of Bones working him up and down.

“Like that?” Bones asked, his voice deeper than normal.

The growl in his voice had Jim hotter than he had felt in a while.

“Keep that up and you will find out exactly how much. Would prefer to feel you fucking me instead,” Jim offered.

Bones growled and started kissing at Jim’s neck again.

“Fucking vampire,” Jim got out as he tilted his head to the side to allow Bones better access.

Bones nipped at his skin, pulling it a little before releasing it and licking a path up to Jim’s mouth. They kissed again, fast, open mouth kisses as Jim got his hands in Bones’ hair, pulling him this way and that, all the better to show him exactly how much he liked Bones’ hands on him and what he was doing with his tongue and lips.

While Bones was distracted with the kissing and the hand job he was giving, Jim took the opportunity to work his shoes off, and then with a few judicious wriggles and twists in certain ways, he worked his pants and socks off as well. As Bones leaned back a little, once he had noticed Jim’s disrobing, Jim wrapped his arms around Bones’ shoulders and, using the wall as leverage, wrapped his legs around Bones’ waist, pushing his ass down a little to rub at Bones’ thick dick, which was still tenting his pants.

“Fuck me, Bones. Now!” Jim demanded.

“Oh god,” Bones cried out as Jim twisted a little and kept rubbing up and down on him, bare skin over clothes.

With desperation, Jim worked one hand down awkwardly to try and get at Bones’ dick. He was so impatient that in the end he just he pulled down the zipper on Bones’ pants and managed to get Bones’ dick out in the gap created.

“Jim!” Bones cried out as Jim rubbed him, still hanging onto Bones with one arm and using the wall as a support for his body.

“Fuck, I love your dick,” Jim mouthed into Bones’ mouth as he pressed another kiss, mostly tongue.

Bones’ fingers were gripping Jim’s ass so hard, that Jim knew he was going to bruise. Bones couldn’t keep them still though and Bones kept gripping and re-gripping, slowly pulling Jim’s cheeks apart so his dick could tease and rub Jim’s balls and just under his hole, the ultimate tease.

“Lube, need lube,” Bones managed to get out.

“Fuck it, want you now!” Jim ordered. “Make me burn!”

“No,” Bones ordered as he stepped back, causing Jim to almost sprawl on the ground.

Jim didn’t have time to complain as Bones grabbed his hand and pulled him across the room. Bones’ destination was the bathroom, where he finally let go of Jim’s hand to fish into his toiletry bag. Jim saw how Bones’ hands were shaking, so he decided to see if he could make them even shakier. If Jim was pantless, Bones deserved to be in the same boat, although Jim did love the look of Bones’ dick just sticking out from his pants. With Bones as elegantly dressed as always, there was just something so debauched about the look.

Jim dropped to his knees next to Bones and quickly undid his belt. As he undid the button, he licked Bones’ dick from base to tip. He heard Bones slap the counter as he groaned. Jim smiled as a thought occurred to him.

“Horatio,” he said as he looked up at Bones.

“What?” Bones asked in confusion as he stared back at Jim.

“Your dick. I said I was going to name it and Horatio it is,” Jim announced, smiling at Bones’ confusion.

“I don’t get the way your mind works, and way to kill a mood, Jim,” Bones growled.

Jim just smiled and went for the kill.

“Tiberius,” Jim said, pointing at his own dick and then looked up at Bones. “Horatio. A horn I totally want to blow,” he announced and before Bones could respond, Jim sucked his cock in as far as he could take it.

Bones groaned and laughed at the same time. Jim smiled around the full feeling in his mouth. He pushed his hands up under Bones’ shirt, feeling Bones twitch and tense as he rubbed over sensitive parts of his stomach and side. Jim felt Bones push one hand in his hair, before it disappeared. Jim looked up to see what Bones was doing, sucking forward and back as he did so. Bones was pulling at his shirt, popping buttons when they wouldn’t open. Jim helped him as best he could, pushing the shirt open, and keeping up the steady pace on his dick.

With a few pushes and pulls, Bones managed to get his shirt off, but his pants were still around his ankles, tangled up in his shoes. Jim moved his hands slowly down to get Bones as naked as possible. He relished the feel of Bones’ hairy legs, the tease of the soft skin underneath the soft but wiry hair. Ever so carefully, and under Bones’ hooded eyes, Jim lifted first one foot and then the other. He pulled off Bones’ shoe, sock and pant leg, until Bones was naked above him, gripping the lube in his hand as he silently watched Jim.

Just as slowly Jim reached up to tug the lube from Bones’ hand, still sucking back and forth. Bones had nearly driven him to come fast using his hand, and Jim planned to tease Bones a bit in retaliation. Bones resisted letting go of the lube, but with a final tug, he released it. Mindful of Bones’ interested gaze, Jim squirted some lube onto his hand, hissing a little as some missed and landed on his thigh, cold and unexpected. Bones let out a little groan as Jim inadvertently used his teeth against him.

Jim coated around the outside of his hole with the lube, choking a little as Bones pushed forward, all the better to see and forcing his dick a bit further down Jim’s throat. Jim pushed in hard with his fingers, loving the burn, knowing that Bones was going to fuck him. This dick that he was lubricating with his spit was soon going to be planted in his ass, deep and hard, he hoped. He groaned at the thought, of how it would feel.

A crash made him open his eyes and look up. Bones had pushed his bag off the bench and before Jim could say anything, Bones had pulled Jim off his dick and up, pushing him back so he had to sit on the bench as Bones spread his legs and pushed them up. Jim scrambled to find a hand hold on the narrow space, somewhere to brace himself, because the look in Bones’ eyes was promising everything that Jim wanted. But then Bones surprised him. He felt Bones’ dick at his entrance, but he didn’t push in straight away, just held himself there for a moment before the tip slowly--agonizingly slowly, pushed in and Jim realized that at some stage, Bones had found a condom and had put it on quickly, hence the little pause before entry as he’d rolled it down his dick.

Jim held his breath, and his legs, as wide as possible to help Bones out, relaxing his muscles as best he could.

“Fuck, Jim!” Bones cried out as the head of his cock breached Jim and then just slid in, as if it couldn’t get in fast enough.

Jim’s fumbling movement for something to hang onto had found the basin tap and he smacked his other hand onto the mirror as Bones slid out and then in again. It hurt, but in all the best ways.

“Hard, Bones! Want it hard!” Jim groaned out, when it seemed that Bones was going to take his time. Bones slid one arm under the base of Jim’s spine, cradling him slightly from the cold, hard bench.

“Jim, your back,” Bones managed to get out.

“Fuck my back! Fuck me!” Jim ordered, beyond caring about the awkward position.

Bones was moving in and out and it felt divine and hot and Jim knew he was going to come soon, just from the burning pleasure. Bones wasn’t even going to need to hit his prostate, it felt that good. Jim wrapped his arm around Bones’ shoulders and pulled him down so they could attempt to kiss as Bones sped up his thrusts.

In and out, the little burn of pain with each movement was what Jim had wanted, needed from Bones. He watched and enjoyed the intensity that Bones was displaying as he attacked their joining.

“Bones!” Jim cried out. “Bones! Bones! Bones!” Jim only could manage to get out his name as Bones made him come, which made him jerk up, bashing back a little into the mirror as he rode out the pleasure, amazed that it didn’t break as his orgasm swept through him.

His positioning didn’t last long, as Bones pulled him forward a little as he chased his own orgasm, wrapping both his arms around Jim as he pushed up hard, again and again. Jim helped as best he could, opening as wide as possible, and bracing his shaking arms on the edge of the bench. It worked for Bones. He opened his mouth and yelled out as he came, thrusting hard into Jim. Even through the condom, Jim could feel Bones pulsing, releasing his come.

Bones leaned them both back so Jim was sitting back on the edge of the bench. He rested his head down on Jim’s shoulder, breathing heavily and causing goosebumps to ghost over Jim’s skin where his breath touched.

“Best fuck ever,” Jim got out as he raised his head up to smile at Bones.

Their situation finally seemed to be occurring to Bones, and Jim could see him start to think.

“Stop it,” Jim ordered as he pressed a gentle kiss to Bones’ cheek.

“Jim, I--”

“I said stop it,” Jim repeated, as he tilted up his hips so Bones could slide out.

Jim put his hand on the base of Bones’ dick, making sure the condom stayed where it was supposed to and wasn’t gripped by his ass that didn’t want to let Bones’ dick loose. Bones slid out, just as reluctantly as Jim felt.

With slightly unsteady legs, Jim dropped off the bench and wrapped his other arm around Bones’ shoulders, pulling him down to kiss him. While Bones was distracted by his tongue, Jim worked the condom off and dropped it into the wastebasket.

“Jim, that wasn’t good for you,” Bones said as he pulled back.

“Did you miss the ‘best fuck ever’ comment?” Jim countered. “Now shut up, kiss me again and then take me to bed. If you think I have sore spots, then you can kiss them better. Even better, kiss them better tomorrow morning and use those magic fingers of yours to make me forget everything.”

Jim had grabbed the lube from where it had been left on the bench and steered Bones back out of the bathroom.


Finally, Bones had stopped with his little comments and hesitation about whatever it was developing between them. Jim had woken up that morning with Bones in his bed and Bones’ hand on his cock giving him a languid hand job, though it didn’t stay languid very long once Jim was awake.

Jim’s competition was now finally over and he had even managed to get an admittance from Bones the night before that Bones had been attracted to him when they first met, before their friendship had taken over. Bones had scruples and he stuck to them, until Jim had ridden completely roughshod over them.

In public, they had kept up their normal friendship while Jim finished off his competition with the five apparatus finals he had qualified for. He managed to medal in all of them, making him the most successful U.S. gymnast in Olympic history and only behind Alexander Dityatin as the most successful gymnast at an Olympics, who won 8 medals at the 1980 games. Jim had more golds than Alexander though.

In private, once the door closed to the rest of the village, they could hardly keep their hands off each other. Bones proved to be an exceptional lover, or it may have been that Jim was that smitten with him. Jim was man enough to realize that having sex with your best friend made it all the better.

Jim had made a few little hints here and there and mostly not subtle, that he wanted this thing between them not to end once they returned to the Academy. Bones was always non-committal in response, leaving Jim unsure if this was going to continue once they got back home. He didn’t like being unsure.

Jim propped his feet up on the edge of the table as he listened to Pavel and Sulu arguing about what to have for dinner, which was hours away, breaking him away from his introspective thoughts. They were waiting around until they could leave on a shuttle to take them out to the Rhythmic competition at Wembley so they could support Gaila, just as she had supported each of them. It was going to be a while, and none of them seemed to want to stay cooped up in their rooms, so they had all found their way out to the common and then found each other, laughing when they all realized they had all done the same thing.

“Hey,” Jim heard Bones’ voice say from behind him.

Jim turned, surprised to see Bones standing there and smiling at him.

“Thought you would be out at the venue already,” Jim said.

“Leaving in a minute. What are they arguing about now?” Bones asked looking at Pavel and Sulu, who were trying to draw a laughing Uhura into their argument. Spock was standing beside her and remaining silent.

“Does it really matter?” Jim asked.

Bones laughed and put his hand on Jim’s shoulder. “Nope.”

Jim tried not to lean into the touch, but he couldn’t help it.

“They argue like us,” Jim pointed out.

Bones was still smiling down at Jim, and Jim couldn’t figure out what was making Bones so happy.

“Not quite like us,” Bones replied, before doing something that Jim found very surprising.

Bones moved his hand off Jim’s shoulder and down Jim’s arm until he gently grasped Jim’s hand, resting on Jim’s bent knee. Jim froze for the moment. This was a pretty public declaration from Bones. Not blatant, although still subtle enough without being able to be misconstrued.

“Later?” Bones asked.

“What changed?” Jim asked in return, needing to know the answer.

“I hid away once from what I really wanted. I’m not stupid enough to repeat that mistake. Besides, it’s not everyday your...other half has six gold medals and a silver from an Olympic Games,” Bones said as he leaned down closer to Jim. “I think that should be celebrated.”

“Thought we did that last night,” Jim pointed out.

“Was that celebration enough?” Bones had his southern accent out in full force and Jim could already feel his dick jumping a little in anticipation.

“Hell, no. Tease!”

Bones just raised an eyebrow at the accusation from Jim.

“You are about to disappear on me to go help Gaila. Tease!” Jim explained.

“Takes one to know one,” Bones said with a sly smile on his face, before he squeezed Jim’s hand, let go and walked away.

Jim just laughed, shaking his head at the contrary man who was probably going to keep him on his toes for a long time. Good thing he was a gymnast and knew how to balance well.

He glanced over to see the looks being directed his way from the others. Jim just kept smiling. Everything was right with the world.

A/N: To all those who have read along and, hopefully, enjoyed this AU, thank you! ;) I hope that you gained a little insight into the world of gymnastics that I was lucky enough to be a small part of for over ten years, and which my family is still heavily involved.

nero, bingo, rating: nc-17, pike, archer, spock, scotty, gymnastics, chekov, fanfic, kirk-mccoy, au, sulu, uhura

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