Omigod, how much do I love Scrubs?
I'm sitting here, trying not to grade speeches (it's easier than you'd think). I saw on Zach's blog this morning that 916-CALL-TUR(K) is actually a real phone number, and that if you call, you get their answering machine. I made a mental note to try it. Just now, I read
post about getting to talk to Ken Jenkins (Dr. Kelso!). Well, then I *had* to try it!
A lot of people have been saying that the voicemail box was filled to capacity, so I didn't get my hopes up. Then someone answered! I talked to
Scott Harris, an assistant director. We chatted about the show and Madison (his wife attended UW). Then we talked about the rally and how the rainy weather was Nature crying with the rest of us after the election. He said he was doing some paperwork. I said I was supposed to be grading speeches, so it sounded like we were in for very exciting nights.
Anyway. I just love the whole thing. I'm such a better mood now. Ooh, don't forget to go
vote for Scrubs and Zach in the People's Choice Awards (this year the voting is entirely done by on-line users).
(BTW, I know I am unforgivably behind in responding to comments. I'm trying to wean myself off LJ a little, but it's been hard. Rest assured, I am not snubbing you.)