holy fuck, i write too much. should i put all this under a cut or something?

Oct 20, 2007 16:05

Sometimes I wonder if I want Cola to be real or if I wish I were Cola. :S
I already want his rainbow tattoo. And I want radiation symbols on the fronts of my shoulders. And, well, I was thinking of a lightning bolt going down one of my legs on the side. Not all the same places, but the same things.
And...I was just thinking about how I ought to grow my hair out to look like his, because I was sorta thinking about how it would be funny if I cosplayed him.
And I'm stupid and bad at noticing things just like him. xD
I'm kind of pathetic. :c
Oh well.

In other news.
Not really.
I think I've got a better idea for my comic.
A collection of stories centering around Cola that have basically nothing to do with each other, except for several characters, and aren't even set in the same storyline.
Yes. Obsession. I don't care.
Because the story I have now...I realized...it's boring. Entertained me for many, many, many hours on end, but to other people, it will be boringboringboring. Aaaand it has an ending. I know what it is even though I haven't thought it to all the way there, and yeah, it's probably predictable, but whatev. So I'm going to have to come up with a bit of interesting filler and make it shorter than I expected. And then I have a school-based story and two roleplays to make comics out of that have him in them. And I'm sure there'll be more.
Problem is...now I don't feel like working on the Nikolai comic. I feel like working on the shorter roleplay comic. :x
I really wanted to decide on a comic-uploading-type website and start uploading once I got around ten comics done, buuuuut...I only have three and a half pages, and I don't feel much like working on it anymore. ;-;
I'll try later.
No. I'm going to start drawing the roleplay one right now.
Butts to your story, Nikolai.
Not really. I'll work on it. I swear.
No one cares anyway, except me. :/
Butts to me.
Butts to everyone.

That's an orange, not a ball.

Biscuits keep remarkably well, but man, they are some kind of terrible after being in the fridge for a few weeks. Bleh.

We need to move already so I don't have to spend fifty billion hours just drawing and thinking and wasting time and reading Get Fuzzy and Calvin And Hobbes and Life In Hell and whatever other comic collection book things I can find while Jeremy is at work on weekends.
They all have animals in them. I realized this the other day.
Although I guess technically Hobbes isn't an animal.
That feels like a mean thing to say.
I need to start reading real books.
I bought a book called "Gil's All Fright Diner" a while back and never got around to reading it, and I remembered it the other day, and wished I had read it. And I just found it last night! EXCITING! It looks really good and funny and cool, and tooootally reminded me of Christopher Moore when I read the back. It's about zombies and vampires and werewolves and a diner and ghosts and sorceresses and pig Latin or something like that, I dunno, I was just naming cool things that it mentions on the back.
I still have to read that book Galen loaned me, though. And those Discworld books, but I lost the one I was in the middle of. Aaaaaand those three Richard Adams books I have, not counting Watership Down, which I never finished, and it sucks, because I was soooo close to finishing, but now I'll have to reread it, and even if it is my favorite book, that's going to be a huge pain.
Maybe "I Am The Messenger" is my favorite book. GOD, HELLS, GO READ THAT. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT WHAT A FABFABFAAAABULOUS PIECE OF LITERATURE IT IS. By Markus Zusak. GOGOGO. Even if it had an awkward ending. The rest of the book, though? AMAAAAAZING.

I thought of something interesting for my mohawk, and now I don't know what I want.
I want a damn job so I can go ahead and get one, FIRST OF ALL. I need to do that. It was closing time by the time I'd resolved to go schedule an interview last time we were in Austin.
But theeeeeen. Do I want a conventional chelseahawk? Like, kinda thin mohawk with the chelsea bit? In which case, do I want the side parts in front of the ears or just the bangs?
ORRRRRRRR. I was thinking about it the other night. Maybe I don't want a conventional mohawk. Maybe I want the hair on top to stay basically, but the sides shaved, instead of some of the top shaved as well, in which case, I'd still have bangs, but noooo side-ear-hanging-part-things. I'd probably brush my hair all forward on top so it would look all rad and shit.
I kinda like the second one. Sounds interesting. And if I don't like it, well, I'll just get a conventional chelseahawk.
Yeah. Second one.
I love it when I go to something to ask for advice, and typing it out makes me decide for myself.
No wait.
I still want input.

I think I upset my uncle when I mentioned wanting tattoos. :c And, y'know, he's given me the tattoo lecture. I knoooooooooooooooowowowowowow the tattoo lecture. It looks gross when I'm old. He's seen people in their fifties who have tattoos, and it doesn't look cool. I KNOW. I FUCKING KNOW. And I KNOW he's going to talk to me about it again. I had been intending to get them without telling him first. :/ Which sucks of me, I KNOW. But it's my body and my choice, and I'm really not as stupid as he thinks I am. I'm not going to get any tattoos where I can't hide them. Back tattoos? Shirt. Shoulder tattoos? Don't wear a tank top. Leg tattoos? Pants. Really, my tattoos won't be visible unless I dress specifically to show them. Which I'll do all the time. But that's not the point.
Drew always treats me like I'm a little above retardation or something. I know he lovelovelooooooooooooooves me tons and tons, and I love him just as much, but he always seems to think I can't do a damn thing for myself. I know it's because he cares, but fuck, that doesn't make it suck any less.
My family makes me feel like shit. I hate being so sensitive, but really, sometimes it feels like I just shouldn't talk at all when I'm around them. I either get made fun of, get opposed, or get lectured. And it's weird, because my family is way more functional and loving than most people's that I know. And I used to think my family was absolutely awesome. But not when I'm old enough to know I'm being treated like a child. And then everyone is like, "Gee, you're quiet. Say something!" And I sincerely don't want to.
I dunno. Maybe it's all in my head. Or maybe it's just the bad parts sticking out way more than the good parts and making me bitter.

family, emo, art, reading, books, comic, rant, obsession, cola, mohawk

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