Jul 01, 2004 06:14
1) I take cocaine occasionally.
> Thinh thoang toi dung co-ke-in.
2) Do you want to have a smoke?
>Ban muon phi khong?
3) Where can I find clean syringes?
> Toi co the tim mua ong chich sach o dau?
4) I'm stoned.
> Toi bi say.
5) Do you want to go to a karaoke bar?
> Ban thich di hat karaoke khong?
6) Where are the gay hangouts?
> Nhung nguoi dong tinh luyen ai thuong lui toi cho nao?
* Keep in mind that Vietnamese is a tonal language, meaning that one word can have six different meanings depending on the tone assigned to it. I couldn't put the tonal signs in, but whatever. This small language section has been added to help promote cultural understanding between nations through language.