Dec 07, 2006 15:38
well i only have a couple of minutes left to use the computer. im at the library right now checking emails and sending some out. just letting everyone know that i am ok, and thank you to the 2 fucking people who bothered to respond by comments here, and the 2 who coommented on my myspace.....and the 1!!! person who called just to make sure....anyways....we are now starting to fight with the company responsible. we called earlier to get the number to their insurance company and they refused to give it to use. they said we had to get it from the apartment complex, and the apartment complex said they havent gotten it yet. the company also said that they dont think their insurance covers damage to the resident, so if thats true then the company will have to pay out of pocket cause we will definately sue their asses. *sigh* sorry....really frustrated. not only this, but also moni sent in all her paperwork to get her massage license, then found out that 2 months ago, when they got the paperwork from UCMT (her massage school) and nevada (where she worked previously) was the wrong info. so here we were waiting the req 4-6 weeks for the paperwork to go through, and 2 months before we finished they had the wrong info and didnt request the correct thing OR let us know. so now we need to wait even longer!!!.....grrrr....needless to say....we all need like....a week off from all this stres...
to add to it, me and moni decided that we want to move to WY when the lease is up. We want gene to come with, but instead of pressuring him we want him to be able to make a decision on his own. If he wants to stay, we'll stay a little longer just to make sure he can get on his own feet without having to rely on someone. we want him to stay as free as he has been now that we got him away from living with his mom.
time for me to get off now, ttfn! Tata for now ^_^