More Than Just Simple Words

Jul 30, 2010 14:06

Title: More Than Just Simple Words
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin
Rating: G
Genre: fluff, romance
Summary: Taemin comes home to find little surprises left around the house by his love, each with a message of importance, each with sweet endearment etched in every curve of every letter.
A/N: woooo~ short fluffy oneshot XD it feels like I haven't written one of these for HyunMin in a longggggggg time XD hehe~ hope you all like it! Comments are loved as always <333

He reached deep into the pockets of his pants, fishing out his keys quickly. After such a tiring day he wanted nothing more than to flop down on the nearest comfortable object - the couch, a bed - and fall asleep for a while, a nap sounding like a wonderful idea. Taemin shoved the key into the lock of the apartment before punching in the code to enter, and walked inside after the system allowed the door to be opened. He shut the door behind him, kicking off his shoes and drifted over to the couch, ready to do as he wanted to.

But he stopped when he saw a piece of pink paper on one of the cushions. He reached out, picking it up to hold it closer to his face to be examined. There was a sentence, written in familiar handwriting, on it. It read, 'admiring boy'.

A smile broke on his lips, and he shook his head slightly. He knew who it was from, there really couldn't be any other but that person. Slipping the post-it note into his pocket, a new idea formed in his mind. Maybe he'd eat first, before going to sleep. He really was hungry once he thought about it.

Skipping over to the kitchen, his hand paused on it's way to the refrigerator handle. The reason that happened, was because on it was another note, this time coloured blue. It read, 'let me be the one'. Taemin couldn't help the smile that didn't falter one bit as he walked around, peering at his surroundings, searching for more notes. He found another on a cupboard - 'my boo' - and then another on the television - 'I will give you my life' - and finally, the last one he could find, was on a yellow post-it with the words 'it's you' scrawled, again in that ever familiar handwriting.

He'd left him notes. Love notes. His heart fluttered happily. How unbelievably sweet.

And he knew just what to do to show how much he liked it and that he felt the same.

Rummaging through a bag he'd put school supplies in, he pulled out a pad of the notes and a pen and set to work writing some things down. When he was finished, he stuck it to the mirror in the front hallway, close to the door where he knew his love would be walking through any moment now. Satisfied, he went over to the couch and sat down, awaiting his arrival.

- -

Humming a soft tune to himself, Jonghyun entered the apartment with his eyes trained to the floor. He took off his shoes, noticing that another pair - Taemin's - was there as well. Straightening, his gaze flicked up just at the right moment to stare into his reflection, and at the note that was stuck against his collarbone apparently. He grinned, taking it off the mirror as he read the words, 'you have all my heart, my shining star'.

“Taeminnnn~” He called, walking into the living room. He set his eyes down on the figure of his boyfriend , and laughed when he made a soft sound, obviously having had been sleeping a few moments earlier. He leaned over and bent down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Did you like your presents?”

“Mhm, yeah,” A sleepy smile appeared as Taemin sat up and hugged him briefly, brushing his long hair out of his face when it got in the way of his eyes. “Thank you.”

“What about your big surprise?”

“Big... surprise?”

“No way,” Jonghyun's mouth popped open. “You didn't go in the bedroom yet?”

When he shook his head, the elder of the two chuckled and grabbed his hand, pulling him up to his feet. He guided him there, though he of course knew where to go, and opened the door for him, motioning for him to go in first. Taemin did, confusion making his eyes scrunch slightly, but it was soon cleared up when his gaze went to his bed.

Covering every single inch of the fabric of his comforter were post-it notes. They were a range of different colours, from yellow to purple, from blue to red. Each one said the words 'I love you'.

He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just stared. The notes may just be pieces of paper, the words may be just words written upon them, but the meaning behind every single one of them was what mattered. The feelings were what made his heart soar with bliss. And then he felt a squeeze to his hand and he turned his head to look into Jonghyun's sincere brown eyes. They smiled at each other, a blush adorning both boy's pair of cheeks. Taemin giggled and closed the gap between them, pressing their lips together. “Thank you, I love you, too.”

“No problem,” He murmured back sweetly, words spoken against the other's mouth as they kissed again. “Anything for you, my treasure.”

A/N: did anyone catch on to the notes? XD if you catch on to what I did with them, put it in your comment XD hehe~
I feel so accomplished today !! hehe!! Caramel, you should know why =)
I sang a bit of "Quasimodo" to her ~ ♥ and was uber happy when she liked it a lot~ 

fandom: shinee, !fanfic, pairing: jonghyun/taemin, rating: g

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