I Need A...

Jul 28, 2010 10:29

Title: I Need A...
Pairing: Heechul/Siwon
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, romance, humor
Summary: They finally get a chance to be alone together, and Siwon decides to show how much he loves Heechul, no matter if will embarrass him. So he decides to put on a little performance, and dance with the love of his life.
A/N: wooo~ first Super Junior fic ;O I love these boys so much, but never got the chance to write about them, but hopefully now I will XD used the lyrics of I Need A Girl by Taeyang for this ^^ and hope it's as sweet to you all as it was to me~ comments are really appreciated <333

Heechul's eyes flicked up in annoyance when the lights were dimmed unexpectedly. He'd been trying to watch the television from his seat on the couch, but that was switched off by the same person who'd affected the lighting. He watched, silently, as Siwon walked over to the stereo set and turned on the music, setting it to an appropriate volume. Out of the speakers spilled the sound of Big Bang member Taeyang's latest hit off his new album, I Need A Girl.

Still reserved - which was so unlike his normal behavior - he continued to watch as the younger male grinned at him and slowly began to dance, moving his body only in small, fluid amounts as one would with a song of that tempo. Siwon made his way to the couch, and a surprised smile tugged at Heechul's lips when he was offered a hand. It took a moment of debate, but then he allowed himself to be pulled to his feet and into those strong arms. Place a slim hand on a broad shoulder, he was swept into the music, the dance.

The taller of the two parted his lips and began singing along with the sweet voice that was Taeyang's. “I need a girl like, one that speaks without thinking,” Heechul had opened his mouth to protest about being called a girl, but was silenced when the other raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to just listen. The lyrics kind of matched. “Not a child, but one that will embrace me.”

He fell silent for a second, so he took it as a chance to speak, though he did it in a hushed tone. “What's this all about? It's so unlike you...” And it's true; Siwon was so serious a lot of the time, because of his ethics or whatever they were called, plus, it had seemed like whenever he expressed anything romantic to him like his playful self did often, he'd get embarrassed as if he didn't feel the same.

“Well, this is so like you,” He teased in reply, spinning them in a circle. “Maybe you're rubbing off on me.”

Heechul snorted and once again fell silent as the chorus started and his love went back to singing. However, this time he made sure to make his previous displeasure loud and clear; placing a finger against his lips when he went to say the word 'girl'. It made the lyrics from Siwon weird, but he obliged.

“... I need a... Pretty no matter what... A pretty body, too... I need a... Baby, I need you... You need me, too.”

They danced around, smiling softly at each other and maintaining eyes contact. It had been a long while since they'd been able to be alone together like they were right then, in one of the two dormitories Super Junior used. The others had gone out to get food, leaving the two of them behind, stating that they really didn't need that many people to go. Truth was, they missed each other, missed the small, special moments they used to share even before their feelings had really been confessed.

“A kind of... that looks better in jeans than a skirt,” He sang, pulling away slightly as he reenacted some of the moved that were in the actual choreography, tapping him on the shoulder from behind and all. Heechul found it cute, since he could plainly see his shyness. However, the next instant he mock-gasped, pretending to be hurt by what he was being called in the next line. “A... who looks young even though he's old...”

Well, at least he'd said 'he's', but still; he wasn't old.

Heechul watched as Siwon bent down and did the little move where he danced his fingertips up his torso. Following the movements Sandara Park had in the music video, he halted the roaming hands, and danced closer to the other, smirking. They moved against each other, and he was caught by surprise when Siwon's hands went from his lower back to his things, leaning forward just at the right moment to whisper into his ear the line of lyrics, “Y'all know what I'm talking about.”

“Hey!” Was the response that came from his mouth, amusingly matching up almost perfectly to the song. They laughed at that, continuing to dance happily.

They moved around individually as the rap came, G-Dragon's experienced voice a great asset to Taeyang's song. Heechul swayed his hips around with ease while his love did do with more difficulty. But it didn't matter, not when they were enjoying themselves.

Then Siwon moved forward and spun him around, pushing him down so that he was sitting on a small seat they had. He danced around his hyung, singing as he did, keeping their gazes locked at all times.

“Make my heart race again, make me able to create sweet songs again. You know, don't need no more, it's just no like that. You're the person I want to give my heart to,” Suddenly he was down on his knees, just like in the music video, and he took the other's smaller hand in his own. He didn't bring him to his feet, instead breaking their eye contact to look at the ground as if unsure of himself. Heechul smiled sweetly and brought his right hand over to cup his cheek, leaning it up before he swiftly swooped down and pressed a warm kiss to his lips.

They broke apart and smiled at one another, getting back to a standing position so they could continue to dance. The song was ending soon, and so would their time alone together for now. Heechul spun out of his arms, turning his back to him, and started to walk away. Siwon watched him go, but not before singing the last line, modified, loudly.

“I need a boy...”

He glanced over his shoulder at him, laughter lighting up his face and making his eyes shine. He was beautiful, and Siwon knew that was he had been singing had been the truth in his heart. He also knew that the other knew that as well, and that the feelings were reciprocated. It made his embarrassing, yet sweet, performance all the more worth while. And if it made his love happy, he'd gladly and without regret do it a million times more, just to see the radiant smile that belonged to Heechul.

rating: pg-13, !fanfic, fandom: super junior, pairing: heechul/siwon

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