Wistful Hearts 9/?

Jul 14, 2010 10:08

Title: Wistful Hearts 9/?
Groups: SHINee, U-Kiss, 2PM, SNSD, BEAST, MBLAQ (random characters show up often in this fic ;D)
Pairings: (main) Jonghyun/Taemin, Onew/Key, Nichkhun/Minho (other) onesided!Minho/Key, onesided!Jessica/Jonghyun, implied!Dongho/Soohyun
Rating: PG-15 (this chapter)
Summary: Jonghyun's the school bad boy who cuts class, gets into fights, and doesn't think he's capable of loving. But deep down he's different. Onew's his best friend from childhood and the school president, who's just trying to get the most popular boy in school to notice him. Key's known by everyone, and though he's practically worshiped and acts so self-confident, he's got dark things hidden inside. Minho, the soccer team's ace player is looking for something interesting to happen in his life and wants someone he can love to come along, even when there's someone right beside him. And Taemin's a freshman whose dedication is torn between what he wants and what his parents want, his dreams feeling out of reach because he's just “too young to know any better”. When these five are brought together, the occurrences afterward are filled with heartbreak and sorrow, but also with happiness, fun, and love.
A/N: high school AU fic~ this chapter is is is so... aghhh I was dying writing it T_T so go and read it!!!! XD Comments are very loved <333 hope you enjoy!

It had seemed like any other time he'd spent back at “home”.

He'd walked up the same steps he'd known since childhood, up to the porch he would play on during happier times. He'd taken off his jacket and shoes, going to his bedroom to dump his bags onto the bed that was much too small for a growing teenager like himself. He'd swallowed back the horrible taste that was in his mouth while he opened his only window so he could breathe in the cool evening air. After a calming moment, he'd gone out of the small sanctuary of his room and into the living room to greet the darkness that was his mother.

And that's when things changed.

Kibum's perceptive gaze took in his surroundings, noting without a doubt that even though last time it'd been bad, it was even worse than then. Everything was absolutely filthy, and the only light there that made it possible to see was coming from the television, which wasn't working; the screen taken up by the fuzziness that was black and white dots. The sound was on mute he guessed, or else he'd have heard the painful sound that usually accompanied it. On a bed of dirty clothes lay the form of the women who'd given birth to him.


She stirred and sat up, and when her face turned towards him he knew something was horrible wrong. Her eyes held pure hatred and fury, a combination that made Kibum unable to move though his instincts screamed at him to do just that. Before, he'd been able to sense and see signs of his old mother, the one who;d been strong and ever confident. Now, the thing before him didn't even resemble a human.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house? What use are you to me, to anyone?” She shakily got to her feet, a bottle of some alcohol in her thin hand. She was malnourished, it was evident, probably because the only thing he could remember her consuming nowadays came in the form of a liquid. “Fucking slut of a son. You're-You're nothing you little piece of shit. Should just disown you and throw you out onto the street...”

As she approached him, Kibum's body filled with a cold terror but his body wouldn't listen and just stayed there, frozen. The only thing that seemed to be working was his mouth ad he whispered, “I'd be better off anywhere but here with you.”

“What? After I've-all I've... I'm your fucking mother. Without me you'd be...” Her eyes flew around, wild and out of focus. “Fucking... I can't believe you. You slut, you're nothing, worthless, only reason anyone would keep you around is because you go and fuck with them. Easy fuck so they keep you with them, not like you can do anything other than that. All you do is use people, so selfish. You probably couldn't care less about anyone but yourself. You... fucking...”

The words stung, every one like a blow to his already bleeding heart. A trembling began in the very center of his body and was sent out to the rest of him. What she said brought back all of his insecurities, every reason he'd become the way he had, the reasons he was always longing for something or someone to fill the hole inside him. The empty, cold space that should have love and caring in it, like it had before, a long time ago.

He'd used to keep in most of the things he'd wanted to say to his mother, out of respect. But now it was too much to keep bottled in. There were so many things he should say, could say. “What happened to you?” “Why'd things change?” “We used to be happy, why did you ruin it?” However they didn't form on his tongue. The sentence he did say had never crossed his mind, not like that, not filled with so much emotion and realism.

“I... hate you.”

Everything seemed to slow down. Quiet and still, only for a moment, before it all cam crashing down around him. His mother screeched at him and raised her arm. Maybe neither of them had realized until it was too late - Kibum definitely hadn't even registered it - that it had been the one that was gripping the bottle. With a loud crack and shatter it collided with the side of his head, sending him to the floor in a shower of glass and blood.

It felt like an hour had passed when he was able to get back on his feet, though in reality it had only been a few seconds. She was still screeching, something about 'getting out' and 'not meaning to'. Empty words that he didn't give a shit about. Key had enough of his proper mind to grab his things before he left, ignoring how his surroundings blurred in and out of focus from time to time as he walked down the street.

He couldn't think straight, so it was surprising to him when he found himself in a phone booth, dialing a number he'd never dialed on his own phone before. Why wasn't he using that one anyway? He couldn't remember. He listened to the ringing for a moment, and when a voice answered his call everything seemed to fully hit him.

“Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?”

“J-Jinki hyung...”

“Kibum? Hey! What's up? Why are you calling, and how did you get my number anyway? Are you calling from a telephone booth because I... Kibum? Kibum, are you-are you crying..?”

He couldn't stop it, the tears had started flowing without him being able to control them. He muffled his sobs with the sleeve of his jacket and sunk to the floor, knees drawn to his chest. He could feel himself bleeding, physically and emotionally, sharp objects he guessed were shards of glass still in his skin, but he was too shaken by the crying that it was the only thing he could do. He felt so alone and hurt and betrayed.

“Kibum, tell me where you are. I-I'll come fine you.”

The words were so gentle, and he didn't know how to respond for a second. “I... I'm at the corner by-by the big sushi place near the school.” He was actually really close to SM, but he didn't think he'd be able to move, not then, not on his own.

“Okay. Don't move, I'll be there in a minute.” His voice had gotten quieter to the end, and sheer fright made Key yell out his name in a panic. “W-What, what is it? What's wrong?!”

“S-Stay-Don't get off the phone... please.”


He sat there, listening to the soothing sound that was Jinki's breathing, letting the small amount of good emotion that was budding in his heart to keep him from giving up on everything. There was someone who was willing to some out in the middle of the night for him, someone who meant a lot more to him than he even knew himself. That had to mean something, right?

He wasn't all those horrible things his mother called him...


- -

“Okay, let's take it from the top.”

Because of Key's absence, Thunder was appointed the leader for that practice. They were going through the full choreography of the song they'd chosen for competition. It had already been an hour, and without the usual demanding presence, things were beginning to slow down as some members tired. It was mid-afternoon, and most of them still had assignments and the like to finish up, including Taemin who'd been neglecting his homework for a few days,

He was still thinking about earlier that day, when they'd all sung together. It had been more fun than he'd thought it'd be, and though his passion was for dancing, he couldn't help but want to do it again. Jonghyun's powerful, emotional vocals mixed with Jinki's unique one, Key's high, fierce voice and Minho's low, charismatic one, and his own soft vocals fit perfectly, like fate. It was strange, because now he was able to see what Jonghyun had meant about a band.

Which reminded him that he'd meant to suggest that his tutor should join the singing talent show that SM was going to be having soon...

Taemin's train of thought stopped at the call of his name, and he turned and caught sight of Dongwoon, one of his cousin's teammates and friends. He walked over, noticing another person standing behind the soccer player he knew - Doojoon, was it? He couldn't remember - and brushed his sweaty bangs out of his eyes slightly self-consciously. What were they doing at the dance room?

“Hey, sorry for interrupting,” The boy smiled down at him. “There's a girl down the hall who says she needs you for something. I don't know what it is, but judging from her expression it looks important,” Dongwoon nudged him slightly. “Way to go kid; she's really pretty.”

“I'm not a kid...” He muttered, finding it oddly irritating coming from someone else's mouth, other than one person in particular. Though it did annoy him, since he hadn't even called him by his real name, except for once. But that didn't change anything.

Taemin waved to AJ and mouthed the words 'five minutes'. The raven-haired male nodded with a smile and waved, crossing the room to talk to Doojoon and Dongwoon who'd walked further in, mouthing back 'bye-yeom', his way of saying farewell. He walked down the hall, peering around to find the girl who'd wanted to talk to him. At the very end, someone appeared from around the corner and bowed his head in greeting. She did as well, her long blonde hair falling forward, hiding her face from view.

He was sure he knew her from somewhere, but couldn't put his finger on it, not even when she spoke.

“Lee Taemin, right?” She flashed him bright white teeth, and for a second he was struck by how gorgeous she was. He nodded, tilting his head questioningly. “I'm a friend of Key's, and of Jonghyun's.”

“Oh! It's nice to meet you..?”

Although he'd said it to get her name, she continued on without giving it. He found it odd, but didn't think twice on it, especially when she said, “I'm sort of a messenger right now. Jonghyun would like to talk to you, he wanted me to bring you to him.”

Surprise made him fidget slightly, his stomach doing a weird somersault thing. 'He... Why would he..? Eh...' His mind couldn't really wrap around it. “L-Lead the way then,” Taemin replied, to which the girl smiled widely to and did what he'd told her to. He followed, oblivious to her intentions.

It took about five to ten minutes of silent walking for them to arrive at their apparent destination, and he frowned in confusion. They stood in front of the door leading to the pool, and the girl opened it, gesturing that he should go inside.

“Are you-are you sure this is the place?”

“Of course,” She rolled her big, pretty eyes. “He'd wanted somewhere quiet and out of the way so you two would be alone or whatever. Go on before he comes out because he's impatient.”

“O-Okay...” The dancer hesitantly stepped in, wary and nervous around water. He kept close to the wall as he walked, again peering around for someone who was supposedly waiting for him. But he couldn't see any sign of Jonghyun, had he left? Taemin stopped and decided that he'd best leave, however when he turned, he saw the girl making her way towards him. “Wha...”

“Okay, kid, let's get this straight,” Her entire composure had changed, the soft-spoken, nice demeanor replaced by harsh eyes and a pose that showed displeasure. “Ever since you came into the picture my life's been screwed up. Key's all 'oo isn't he so cute' and everyone's just accepted you everywhere you go. It's getting on my fucking nerves. And you've got Jonghyun wrapped around your little finger; he's all over you even though I've loved him for so long!”

He didn't know what to do except stand there. He was so confused and a weird dread was creeping up inside him, like his instincts knew something bad was going to happen. Still he stayed and she continued on.

“I want you to go away. Just leave me and Key and my Jonghyun alone. I know you don't like him, the only one for him is me, so just stop faking and go away.”

Taemin felt something in his heart move, affected by what she'd said. He did like him, they were sort of friends, weren't they? He knew she didn't mean 'like' as in friendship, but even then... The feelings he had towards the junior could be... They could be, couldn't they? 'No, they-I mean...'

“I need to go,” He said, mind swimming with thoughts. He just needed to get away so he could think and sort everything out. He strode forward, but the girl stood in his way. So he tried to go around her, and that's when unexpected things occurred.

Taemin had tried to step around her, just as she'd stepped the same way with a hand outstretched. Her foot collided with his, and a small sound escaped passed her lips and her eyes went wide. She'd tripped, and was falling towards the water. Without thinking he reached out and hooked an arm around her waist, using his body weight to shove her the other direction. She fell onto the side of the pool, hitting the ground hard, but she was safe.

However, off balance, he instead was sent towards the water. Without someone to help him or something to hold on to, his body went crashing through the surface of the pool.

The cold liquid surged around hm, deafening, and he struggled to stay above so he could breathe. Fear had made his limbs go numb, which hardly contributed to his attempts to swim. Gasping as he tried to regain the air he needed, his lungs were filling gradually with water. They were squeezing, trying to hold out for oxygen that didn't seem to be coming, and were slowly giving up on sustaining the life they were connected to. He'd had his eyes open, but now everything was getting dark.

'I... I don't want to die... Not now. Not when... Dongho... Key... Jinki... Minho... Everyone... Jonghyun... I can't...'

With a last, feeble push to the surface, Taemin's body became heavy and useless, and he blinked out of consciousness surrounded by the calm, and yet relentless water he'd always been afraid of.

Next Chapter~

A/N: aghhhhhh~ this chapter seriously killed me DDDDX but hopefully it was good !! 
dramaticnessssss~ and there's more to come ;D woooo
ah I'm like, going through a Teen Top and D-NA obsession, I love those boys sooo much <3 please give them a chance and support them!
I've been on twitter a lot nowadays XD HEECHUL YOU KILL ME WITH YOUR TWEETS XD and jeez SUJU boys are so funny, hehe
anyway~ don't kill me for writing this chapter LOOOOOOOOOL
love you allll <333

stay strong and stay happy, you have all of our support and love to help you along <3

민호 화이팅! 사랑해 오빠,  난 당신이 잘 빨리 희망 !!!

*crossover, rating: pg-15, pairing: onew/key, pairing: shinee/snsd, !fanfic, pairing: shinee/2pm, pairing: key/minho, pairing: jonghyun/taemin

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