True Blood season 2 finale: A heart wrenching experience.

Sep 16, 2009 00:01

I normally don't write reviews of television shows but I figured what the heck. Besides I was wondering if some of my fellow "Trubies" might have had the same thoughts. So buckle your seat belts boys and girls because if you haven't watched the finale this review/semi rant is spolieriffic!

I decided to divide this into sections according to which characters it deals with. Makes it easier to find out what you really want and skip what you could care less about if you choose :)


All the interactions between Eric and not quite everyone's favorite queen were very amusing. I have to say that contrary to what a lot of people say I rather like this version of Sophie-Anne and find her to be highly amusing. I liked the dynamic between her and Eric. Now before 1000 angry Eric/Sookie fan girls start building a fire to burn me I don't really mean it in a romantic sense. Eric has really never had anyone else in the plot line ever be a threat to him. I found the scene where she tackled him to the ground with a threat amusing in this way as well as others. I thought it was a nice change to see Eric sweat a little. Other than that bit where we find out Sophie is the one having V sold and Eric pledges to "take care of Bill" the rest of the scenes between them were just humorous but served little to the storyline. I had to laugh when she told Eric he sucked at Yahtzee. Hopefully we will see a bit more of her next season as I am sure we will. Also interesting is how Hadley reacted to some the things said.


What can I say? It was her story arc ending that gave this entry it's title. I have to be honest I wasn't always the biggest fan of Maryanne but she grew on me. The oddest thing was it seemed like the crazier she got the more I liked her. So these last few episodes were my favorite with her. This last one of course being the best. There were so many lines and scenes of hers I found amusing it would be hard to choose a favorite. I even managed to feel sorry for her. When she stood there watching as what she believed was her god turned into Sam Merlotte. I felt sorry for her when she asked "was there no god?" because they didn't just kill Maryanne they destroyed her entirely tearing away all she believed in for one horrible moment before she died. Did the death suit her? I think so. I think it was done very well. I loved how through the whole episode she acted like this was a normal wedding and her choice of Lafayette as one of her brides maids was just aces. I also really liked the scene between Sookie and herself when she dared Sookie to hit her with her best shot. The dialogue was very amusing. Michelle Forbes really did pull it off this season. Though I STILL think her storyline was drug on for far too long.


Way to go Hoyt. I was so glad that Hoyt finally told his Mother that her manipulating him was over. Even if telling her that he wished that his girlfriend had killed her was harsh. I felt bad for him when he went to Bill's house only to find Jessica gone. As far as Jessica is concerned we will have to see how it all plays out. Allan Ball said in an interview that they still love one another but will have somethings to work out. Something tells me her "impulse control issues" will be part of it. I really hope it works out these two are my OTP after all.I wonder what will become of Maxine....

Tara/Eggs and the Jason and Andy WTF death:

What is it with the angsty cliffhangers? I know that those sometimes make for the best ones where we just can't wait to see how things will play out but really? I felt sorry for Tara because of what happened to Eggs most of all. I mean how random was that? he tries confessing to Andy waving a knife around and out comes Jason. What does Jason do... fire a warning shot? No way he shoots Eggs in the head. I seriously stared at the television for a second and I just know I was making my best WTF face. Some people say Eggs was trying to commit suicide by cop. That is possible and I had a feeling that Eggs might kill himself even after he lived through the Maryanne ordeal. When he went all Lady Macbeth I figured that might be what happened. What did happen however I didn't expect. It also surprised me how Andy owned up like he did though in a way it makes sense with all they had gone through. I read in an interview there will be a Tara/Jason connection next season that could be interesting... and devastating. All depends on how they pull it off we could end up loving it.


I felt sorry for Sam the nice guy who always finishes last it seems. I was really touched by the scene where he cried when he saw the doe. I think the story arc with him finding his family could be very interesting indeed not to mention him finally deciding he won't hide himself anymore. I have always liked Sam.


I found the proposal scene sweet enough. I also found his father daughter moment with Jessica to be endearing. I am not the worlds biggest Bill fan but I thought he was likable enough in this episode. I liked the scene where he held Sookie after all was said and done. His being kidnapped is not a real surprise though I wonder where Alan Ball will go with it. After all Eric told Sophie he would take care of Bill Compton. My bet is on Lorena like in the books but still the question will remain if she did it on her own or was hired by Eric. I really hope this one doesn't get pinned on Eric. If Allan Ball keeps it up it's only going to get harder and harder to like him or see Eric/Sookie as anything more than another plot of his. As for Sookie I liked her overall on this episode though I think she should have told Eggs she couldn't help him. I'm not saying he would have lived but it would have been less on her conscience either way. Too bad about her yes coming too late again with the angst cliffies.


Where are you girl? I miss you. In season three there MUST be more Pam. There couldn't possibly be less. I am interested to see interaction between her and Sookie actually. In the last episode she was in she seemed a tad annoyed with Eric's infatuation with her... interesting.

television, reviews, humor, true blood

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