
May 08, 2009 23:50 what my creation made with Powerpoint at work today makes me think of. i wish i had spaghettiOs. scratch that, i wish i had cans of Chefboyardee stuff?? meh. either way, i like my creation! D;


can`t say i completely came up with the idea myself since now that i think about it it resembles one of the images from my google image meme, but i wasnt particularly thinking of that image when i made this. i think that the "Parade" theme from the movie Paprika also had a hand in this somehow because the idea came to me this morning while listening to the song on the way to work. i originally intended to try to make this when i got home, but i got bored at work... D;


things at Namegawa have been going well. i`ve taught the 1st and 2nd years three times now i think...? i have yet to teach the 3rd years for various reasons. >.>; next week will be my first class with them and i will also be teaching the ES' 5th & 6th years (= one class of 7 students?). eep. ^^;;

yesterday i went to Todzu and repeated the same lesson plan i did last thursday with 5th years this time and a different class of 3rd years. i think the 5th years struggled a bit more with the lesson than the 6th years-- go figure since the textbook for the lesson is intended for 5th years i guess. other than that, there isnt anything else worth mentioning. i was asked to eat lunch with the 3rd years... this consisted of me sitting at a little desk in front of 35 little kids who all curiously watched me eat the school lunch. why did i have to eat IN FRONT of the class? why? meh, atleast they were just 3rd years instead of older students. >_>; no matter how curious 3rd years may be, their attention span is limited...

it so doesnt feel like tomorrow is saturday......... god, next week is a full week like normal... gotta go back to Kera.... meh.

edit: ok, i`ve been holding off on posting/spamming random ppl with this, but i cant resist anymore. i found this like 2 weeks ago and its too funny/sad to forget. D; it`s sad but i also find this really funny/cute somehow?

"Kitten Surprise!! (how to break up a cat fight)"

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videos, namegawa, lulz, cats, gfx, elementary school

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