success! veggie chili

May 09, 2009 22:14

tonight`s dinner was a big success. ^-^ i made vegetarian/veggie chili for the first time and as usual i didn`t follow a recipe. i`m too lazy to put how i made it here (hopefully ill remember >_>;) but ill note that i used pinto, kidney and garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and the pinto beans were a can of S&W "Chili Beans" that i found at SATY. i made a huge skillet full, so i`ll be eating this for a while... D; atleast i shouldnt be deficient in protein while eating this? :x

also, since i was in a mood for experimenting while buying ingredients for the chili, i bought some にごり梅酒 ("plum wine"(?)) to try, even though i dont have much of a taste for alcohol. i tried it with dinner and it tastes pretty good. :3 actually, this is the first non-carbonated, over 5% alcoholic drink that ive been able to say that about... D;

tonight has been a good night for trying new things. :]

cooking, trying new things

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