
Dec 15, 2008 20:57

there can't possibly be anyone who hasn`t seen THIS video yet, can there...? every morning i wake up and lay in bed and watch the news for a while and i was ever so pleasantly surprised to see this video. i may have woken up my neighbor with my rotfl. x`D

size 10 shoes rotflmao

D; oh man.... anyway... today i was at Otsu JHS, the JHS i have been at since i arrived in Japan, and while i like the school, today was another one of those days to add to the pile of days that have been making me hope to change schools at the next opportunity. i`m really tired of working with a certain JTE and i have long since ran out of ideas for English club since the same kids have been in the club since i started at the school... they know every trick or game i can whip out by now... D; i`ll really really miss the school when i do leave, though. the students and the teachers, as well as the whole atmosphere... Otsu is very diff from Kera JHS and Ikku JHS (my current and previous schools), and i like that. bah... win-lose situation whether i leave or not. :[ <3 Otsu

*sigh* i`m kinda starting to stress out now... D; not about Otsu, about all the stuff that i gotta get done between tomorrow and getting on my first plane friday. i`ve had to hold off on doing a lot because i am beyond dirt broke, but tomorrow is payday so i gotta start running around like crazy. D; ...but first i gotta get thru work tomorrow. i cant wait until i dont have to talk in classes about christmas in America anymore. -_-;;; Japan knows jackshit about Christmas and i don`t care for trying to inform kids who couldnt care less through a JTE who misinterprets me.

otsu, politics, junior high school

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