bleh >_>;

Dec 16, 2008 18:53

>:[ fkin weather forecast this morning said 0-20% chance of fkin rain and only partially cloudy in the afternoon but i ended up having to bike home 25mins in cold rain completely unprepared. GRRRRRR! i had prepared a long list of errands that i was going to run straight after work but because of the rain i had to go home first. when i finally get home cold and wet and am about to go up the stairs of my apartment, an old lady who happens to live in the house across from my apartment building stops me and my errand running plans went down the drain as she invited me into her house to discuss helping her son with his English.... >_>;;;;

gah, i`m too nice for my own good. >_<; here i am stressing over all the crap i need to get done between now and friday and i let myself get suckered into not only missing out on errand running but also being talked into adding ANOTHER errand to my list! gaaahhh >_<; she was like "i always see you and always want to approach you but i`ve been so afraid to because i speak no English....!" :`x she has requested that i record myself reading text from the English textbook because she wants her son, whose scores in English apparently suck much, to be able to "immerse" himself in English... she thinks that hearing a CD playing English stuff all the time will help him with his scores. >.>; not to say that it wont, but... gah, anyway, i somehow promised to record X pages ~ Y pages for him by thurs as long as she provided me a blank CD. not a hard task, but eh.... *sigh* by the time i had left her house (a visit into a home in Japan is NEVER quick), it was already too late to go to where i had planned to go. she was a nice lady so it was hard to turn her down but once i met the son she had been talking about, i just couldn`t say no... D; i suck.

wtf does he go to a school on the other side of town when there are atleast 2 JHS that are closer?? i really don`t understand how zoning works in this city. >_>; one of my students lives practically next to Kera JHS but has to bike to Otsu JHS. wtf, srsly.

anyway... what should i eat for dinner? >_>;;;

stuff, school in japan

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