Sep 15, 2008 09:51
My exam is in 3 hours and it is a 3 hour exam. I was able to prepare in advance 20 lines of hieroglyphs that will be on the exam from a variety of sources, so I don't know which ones it will be from (he said either a long passage or 2 short ones). Jacco was nice enough to say it would not be a Coffin Text or a magical spell (which eliminated 4 of the 16 things it could be). The second part of the exam is an unseen passage. So to prepare for this, other than working on learning some new signs and re-learning some grammatical rules (I have to explain the grammatical rules, some of which I've forgotten how to explain - it's just innate now), I've been reading a lot of literature composed in the Middle Kingdom. Emily took her exam a month ago, I doubt Jacco will give me the same texts (she got 2 maxims from the Wisdom of Ptahhotep and a passage from the Prophecy of Neferti), but I did prepare them in case. I'm just trying to hold it together until 1pm. I have to stop and get an English-German dictionary because Jacco prefers we use the Deutsch-Agyptisch (German-Egyptian) dictionary. Sadly, our library doesn't have the 1 he recommended and ILL doesn't have it yet!! Lame. I can use Faulkner, but he uses really specfic terms and I guess the german one gives less contextualized meanings. Jacco probably has a copy in his office anyway. I also have to get the book Hatchepsut: the Female Pharaoh for the reading class in Middle Egyptian I'm taking in a few weeks. I guess the focus is on women in literature. I assume it's this focus because Samantha is taking the class. We'll see. I'm also taking Late Egyptian grammar (which is the remaining language phase I haven't learned) and a statistics course on research design. I will also be spending a lot of the semester preparing for my French exam (in Oct.) - where I will need to learn archaeological and Egyptological terminology (but at least I've got the grammar down!) and for my History exam which is a long paper comparing 3 history books. I hope to finish the paper by early December. I'll also be working 10 hours a week on the UEE stuff with Jacco and Elizabeth and Zoe(?). It's less hours than I'm used to, but I'm glad because working 20 hours a week definitely takes away from my time to prep for exams.
When I get back from the exam I will let you know how I feel about it and what texts I got. I'm sure I'll have a lot of pent up energy too, so I'm probably going to try out the new belly dancing DVD I got. I looked at it last night briefly, it seems like there is a lot of instruction, etc. Hopefully it'll be good. I know some of the basics anyway, but a lot of the traveling steps I don't understand. I saw that she breaks it down and counts like a dance teacher, which is what I need. I also got one on doing serpentine arms (the girl is really pretty and I watched that video too, she really does make her upper body look boneless) so I might do level 1, just to start to build shoulder flexibility and strength up.
I've also decided to start a food journal, like Emily. Since she said it helped her start making healthier choices, that's what I want. I pretty much eat junk food all the time, and now I'll have to look at it in writing! I want to look good at all the weddings I'll be at next summer. Although everyone loved my green dress at Jerad's wedding on Saturday! I'll have to revive it for one of the weddings next summer, although I have a multitude of cute dresses to wear. We'll see how it goes!