Title: Cause and Effect
Fandom: NCIS
nicis_anatomyCharacter: Jethro Gibbs, Team
Genre: Gen, Humor
Rating: G
Word count: 200
Summary: Ziva wonders who is responsible for the bump in the elevator wall, but only Gibbs knows the answer ... Written for challenge #196 "Elevator" at
ncisdrabble100 and prompt #078 "Truth" for
100_talesSpoilers/Warnings: English isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would, I'd be rich and famous by now.
Note: I was already in bed, but I couldn't sleep, because this one here was bothering me ...
"Any idea who is responsible for this bump?" Ziva asked, when they're on their way to a crime scene. DiNozzo and McGee both shook their heads.
Of course, they'd no idea.
Gibbs smiled, recalling the day the wall of his favorite conference room had lost its flawless, perfect surface. He still remembered that short skirt (or was it a belt?) Jen had worn that day and the way her red hair had framed her face, giving her a wild look - forming a contrast to her green puppy eyes that so easily could bewitch him … and the growing frustration in them, when she realized she'd lost the staring contest.
Gibbs grinned, remembering the moment her tiny fist had clunked into the wall followed by curses that had made even him blush.
He'd always suspected this redhead would be a piece of work, but back then she'd surprised him and he wasn't even sure, if she knew how much respect she'd earned with this outburst.
Maybe he should ask her …
"Gibbs?" Ziva asked and he hesitated, before shaking his head. It wouldn't be a big deal to tell them the truth, but he was just not the 'provoke and tell' kinda guy.
- The End -