Dec 14, 2008 08:47


OH GOD I LOVE GIRLS ALOUD SO MUCH. Kimba looks so beautiful, you guys. *___* And I could listen to Nadine talk all day. NADINE HOW ARE YOU SO CUTE.

♥ 1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. No googling/using IMDb search functions!

1. You've been chasing me your entire life only to fail now? I think that's the worst thing I've ever heard. How marvelous. The Princess Bride, shadowkitty

2. I flipped through catalogues and wondered: What kind of dining set defines me as a person? Fight Club, shadowkitty

3. Come at me. Every inch of me will resist you. Battle Royale, shadowkitty

4. If I may say... far better than any dream girl is one of flesh and blood. One warm, and caring, and right before your eyes. The Little Mermaid, terrierlee

5. People who know what they want... they scare me.

6. Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads. Back to the Future (II), chocolatepot

7. This is an accident, a forgotten, perpetual public works project. You think anybody wants to ask questions? All they want is a clear conscience and a fat paycheck. Cube, radio_clash

8. If we talk for too long, I'll forget how we started. Next time I see you, I'm not gonna remember this conversation. I don't even know if I've met you before. I've told you this before, haven't I?

9. That was Mozart. That! That giggling dirty-minded creature I had just seen, crawling on the floor! Amadeus, shadowkitty

10. There's no love in your violence. Ichi the Killer, shadowkitty

11. He told me to make sure and tell you: the name is an anagram.

12. And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to? How dare you! How dare you come to me now, when I am this? The Last Unicorn, chocolatepot

13. I just think this adventure is a little too big for me.

14. I always hated you as Desdemona. You never fought! You just died, beautifully. No woman would die like that, no matter how much she loved him. A woman would fight! Stage Beauty, chocolatepot

15. My business is all about you.

CAMPEST EPISODE EVER. It's like they made a list of camp tropes and just ticked them off as they went along. NIMUEH TELLS MERLIN "WE COULD HAVE RULED THE WORLD!!!!"! THEN HE EXPLODES HER! AND THEN SCREAMS "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" OVER THE DEAD (BUT NOT REALLY) BODY OF HIS FRIEND. fucking hell I love this series.

Actually I do genuinely love the villains of this series. Nimueh was just so fabulously crazy and vindictive and the dragon is such a selfish little manipulator. :DDD ♥ I'm guessing he's the Big Bad for series 2, if we get another series? PLEASE LET US HAVE ANOTHER SERIES. I want to see Morgana's story finished properly so much.

Arthur and Gwen's interactions are so cute. Morgana and Gwen's interactions are even cuter. *______*

THAT UP THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF PRECIOUS. *____* I love how well the 1986 Kiva cast seem to get on with each other, it's the cutest thing. ♥ ♥ FURUHARA + HANDA = ♥ Man, the whole Retsu-taka episode really reminded me how insanely ♥_♥ I get over Kamen Rider alumni.

Oh good, another villain whose name I can't spell.

OH SOSUKE, I CAN'T BEAR TO PART WITH YOU. YOU PUT HATS ON CHRISTMAS TREES AND HAVE WEIRDLY SUGGESTIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH ALL OLD MEN IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY. Why is he so cute. *__* I love how rather than thanking Santa after he was given a present he just ripped it open thoughtlessly. ♥ And they gave kid!Sosuke Furuhara's mole. :DDDDDD

I'm pretty much just going to get more and more whiny until Go-on ends. D:

Next week: Hant ticks threesomes off his to do list, manages to indulge his fetish for elderly citizens at the same time.

Otoya looks very pretty this week. Has he changed his hair or something?

You know, writers, there's enough incest in this series already and I say that as someone who likes her some fictional incest. You don't need to go to the lengths of stealing Back to the Future's plot so you can have incestuous subtext in every single scene. How did you even come up with this idea? Did you sit around going "YOU KNOW, I JUST DON'T THINK WATARU'S OBSESSED ENOUGH WITH HIS PARENTS. WHY DON'T WE GET HIM TO TRAVEL TO THE PAST SPECIFICALLY TO STALK AND COCKBLOCK HIS OWN FATHER?"

YURI STAMPS ON OTOYA'S FOOT AND THEN GOES TO SAVE MAYA'S LIFE. *___* Shipping them so hard now it's not even funny. YURI/WATARU TOO.


you're using coconuts, meme, toku, obsessed with people in spandex

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