Well... I'm about to take another plunge into adulthood. Its been really surreal these past few days, having a deep discussion with Aaron over where our lives are going, rearrangeing the entier house, going to Target and becoming appaled over the price of play-pens, buying a shitload of increadably small highly priced toys and gear... Its pricy,
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.. 1) Bold what is true about you. 2) Italicize what you wish was true about you. 3) Add one true thing about you to the end of the list. 4) Tag five LJ friends, ((You are up: star_ashladypimpernelbakanogamibeatlebug77homais))
I was feeling sick so I stayed home today. God it was good. We went over to get a vidio game for Aaron from blockbuster and ended up wandering around the mall at nine o'clock, which was kind of intresting. The stores were just opening, and we more or less had the place to ourselves. We ate crappy McDonalds food, as that was the only place for
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It's been a long time sense I posted and this one is going to be short because I am stupidly tired. We spent the weekend moveing into the new place. Its lovely, just beautiful, better then I had remembered. The floors are amazing, the wood really shines. We moved everything including the massive bed over the course of the last two days, and it'
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Ask me for "top five" lists of pretty much anything, and I will list you my top five of that thing or things. Copy and paste this in your own journal and give your own top fives.
Okay, havn't been in touch well, sorry. Life has been crazy. In about an hour Aaron and I are going to start a drive from Georgia to Wisconsin with all of our new furniture. We'll be out of touch till around the 22nd. Email won't be reaching us, if you urgently need to get in touch, call me on my cell. See everyone in a few days!
I'm finaly getting better. Today for the first time in near a week I woke without a sore throat. That was cause enough for celibration. However, after doing a lot of hot walking around in an antique store with my mother I realise I don't have that much energy. I feel really wiped for the rest of the day
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