my life still shinning~ (NEWS, TEGOSHI, RYO, YOKOHINA, UEDASHIGE)

Nov 24, 2012 22:34


how happy i am now, we already free!! now all problems already been solved. for all my friends out there, sorry for make u guys worries so much. me and my family now ok already. thank you for concern guys.i really appreciate it so much.
Specially belle helping me alot, and of coz all my friends who kept worried about me. sorry guys and thank you guys.
i come back in fandom again with lots happy things happen ne~

to nishikido ryochan,

i know i late wish you but i'm not forget that day i wish u on that day actually. some people think that i hate you, but i'm not hating you at all. i still love u and still support you as kanjani 8 members. i know you not NEWS members already but i really appreciate what u done for NEWS before this. i know how hard you as big brother in NEWS, try your best give many ideas n kept caring other members (even u not show it so much but i know). thank you for everything what u done for NEWS. i know you love NEWS but you need to choose right? as fan too we can't be too selfish think about our feeling only, if we love idol we should care n think about his life too. bcoz of that i prefer you out coz its hard to work two groups, until now you really work really hard for NEWS fans, K8 fans and your fans. thank you, ryochan. i still support you as actor, and of coz as k8 too. thank you so much. i really appreciate you do for NEWS for this 8 years. one day i want see NEWS X K8 work together. its will be awesome. ryochan, arigatou! hontou ni arigatou~

to my sweet little devil, TEGOSHI YUYAchan,


I LOVE YOU!! LOL i really surprised that you the one who stand up for NEWS, how you appreciate us so much with your passionate words. i know you love NEWS but honestly at first i thought you prefer as tegomasu only, but i'm totally wrong at all. how you love NEWS its same as other members. you really love NEWS, you love being in NEWS, you love NEWS fans to. i know you always stalking us LOL coz want to know about us (this only my thinking) he the one said one day he found one video that we making for NEWS, he really appreciate it so much. so happy. you stand up for NEWS with your words. i glad you brave to show how you want be NEWS once again. you don't want lose with others. but dun worries you have three members that you love who always support you. once again to said this, i'm sorry for not believe in you before this, but i hope you will give me more happiness together with other NEWS members. i'm kind person who if someone give me hope i always believe in her/him but once if someone broke the promise its hard to me to believe again.
tegochan i love you and i will believe in you. i will support you and NEWS members too~

i think this my first page i told about my feeling since two of them out from NEWS. i just want to clear all my feelings to others only. i'm big fans of 4members of NEWS and still support nishikido ryo in K8.  ^_^


i love both songs so much!! pokopon is cute genre music, world quest its kakkoii one!!! its totally NEWS!! NEWS really kakkoii but at the same time they also cute!!! i glad this will show to others that they really versatile idols!! i can't wait for PV!!! i wish pokopon's also have PV too huhuhu


i'm so excited when koyashige come to yokohina's recomen last week. so cute!!! how yoko really praise shige's novel [pink to grey] he really high tension when he speak it out how he really thankful to shige's novel, he now became novel readers now. before this he never thought that he can read novel coz of he only manga reader. he thought its very difficult to him to read a novel, but once he read shige's novel he learn how good n interest novel are.
then suddenly yoko said to keichan "i also watch news every too" last night seem he watch news every when they show keichan's backstage where he wear read pajama doing work up on his gym during his butai. he said "ehh you wore same pajama today!' LOL seem that day keichan wear same pajama! lol then yoko started again praise shige's novel again. he heard from some Johnnys staff talked about how great shige's novel are (but for me, can i assumed that person are ryochan?!! sorry guys my ryoshige's mode still not die LOL) because of that he started to read shige's novel. he really surprised how good shige's novel is. its easy to understand n readable. hina keep silent maybe hina not read it yet lol even i heard hina the one who bought it first at bookstore by himself lol. maybe he too busy ne~. then shige said NEWS will release new single, yoko suddenly said "that song really great ne, what it is CHANPAKAANA?!!" hina said " its CHANKAPAANA!!" yoko "its really great song!" then they promote WORLD QUEST n POKOPON, when keichan said WQ its for soccer! suddenly hina yelled "AHHHHH ITS TEGOSHI'S ONE RIGHT?!! NOW I'M REMEMBER ABOUT IT! PLEASE TELL HIM THIS!" koyashige "what" hina "iina~ " LOL hina love soccer too, before this he said he want that opportunity too.
when  two of them from studio, yoko said " I WILL SUPPORT NEWS"

OMG I DUN KNOW I'M CRYING WHEN HEARD THIS PART! HOW I LOVE NEWS N K8. BOTH OF THOSE GROUP HAVE BAD TIME TOO. THEY KNOW HOW HARD TO GET UNTIL NOW~ i love maruchan and shige's relationship too. i hope i can see more two of them in tv show soon.


kyaaaaaaaaa massu at kattun dvd concert!! kawaii~ kawaii~ OMG how i love massu's smile so much XD he really close with nakamaru! he always come to kattun concert ne~
i dun know if u guys know about this or not, seem ueda now want be friend with shige too!! he write on dengoban to shige that he want shige's novel and he hope shige will give to him! then shige reply, he hope ueda can buy himself coz he to shy buy his own novel at bookstore LOL at last shige give to ueda buy it for him LOL then ueda reply back that he want shige can be his friend!! OMG OMG ryoshige fans n ryoueda fans why this happen?!! LOL


kattun, kanjani 8, news

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