bitter and sweet moments at Japan.

Oct 08, 2012 17:59

hey chankapaana"s"

at my latest post at news_jpop about translate Kobe MC, i hope i can write my own report MC NEWS concert. but at last, i still don't reach my dream yet. i never thought it will be happen to me. after i reach at narita to departed to sapporo. suddenly i heard they annouced my flight to sapporo been cancelled. yeah, its because of typhoon will come to Japan later.
i know i can't fight God wills. i know God still love me, thats why He don't want me fly that time. who know, if i fly that time i can't meet my family already, can't meet my friends, who know i can't write on my livejournal again. who know ne~ i glad i'm alive now.

but i have great memories with my friends at Japan. at first day i meet Puchan n Aimee-chan. Aimee-chan, thanks for let's me stay at ur place that night. Pu-chan, thanks for helping me get NEWS concert but at last, i can't use it after all. i felt bad about it. how hard you helping me to get that concert tix. i'm really sorry about it.

actually after that accident happen, i don't have gut to facing all my friends on twitter. i'm too down and sad that time. i got many message from my malaysian friends, aida_pi and aina-chan. im sorry for make u guys worried. to all who order all NEWS goodies from me, i really felt so bad for you guys. please forgive me~ i'm totally felt bad about it.

when i received message from inala and bellemainec, i can't stop crying. how you guys too worried about me. its too touching. i really don't want u guys know about how hurt i am, i can't facing u guys. but u guys give me courage. the second day, i meet bellemainec and anne-chan at shibuya. Inala, i got all your hugs from belle. i can't stop crying infront belle n anne even that time we at shibuya. i know all eyes staring at us, but i dun care i just want meet my friends i can talk how sad i am that time. i know farah-chan also already tired hear my story already LOL. anne, thanks for pizza that night. we talked alot about NEWS for 4 hours. i can't imagine when i meet inala later wwww i think we can't stop talking. anne-chan, we just add each other 1 week before i came to Japan right? but i think we just like meet 10 years before. we can speak anything with each other ne~ belle, thanks for all your words. u guys give me strength that time.
i hope we can meet again next year. that time also, yoroshiku ne~. next time i'll bring u guys eat okonamiyaki later ne ^_^

the third day, i meet with my japanese friends, sora-chan and yopi-chan. this my first encounter with them. i really so nervous about it. we promise meet at infront hachinko. so i just stand infront hachinko statue with farah. that time i hope sorachan still remember my face LOL. then someone said hai to me. at last i meet sora-chan then yopi-chan. at first i'm so nervous. LOL then they bought us to eat manjyuyaki and okonomiyaki. its superb delicious. of coz we talked about NEWS all the time. later they bring us to Johhny family club and park where shige wrote on PINK to GREY. they said this park, shige used to have rest/play around with his friends at highschool time. after that we went to karaoke!! we sang almost NEWS songs. i'm sang Chankapaana, full swings, cherish, endless summer, hanamuke, starry etc.. too many LOL
then of coz at dinner we went to keichan mama ramen shop.

Actually before one week before i came to japan, yopi-chan message me at LINE. she said she just back from keichan ramen shop, she told to kei mama that next week she will bring one girl from malaysia. then kei mama said "last time got one girl come here alone". i don't know if its me or not. but i come last 2 years alone to kei mama ramen shop. then when arrived there, she remember me but she forget my name ( of course right? coz i told my name shazana LOL its difficult to remember) but isamu-san (guy who worked there) remember about me, he the one singing fighting man to me, and take keichan's uchiwa n put at infront of me. i glad he remember about me. then kei mama suddenly "ahh now i remember totally remember about u" then she told yopi-chan "yeah, this girl that i talked last week" OMG i'm so happy XD what great time we arrived, that time also keichan's news every part on tv. you know how cute see his mom watching his son. i felt so loved that time. i can't believe i watch keichan together with his mum. LOL when we waiting for food, i saw isamu-san busy doing something at other side. then suddenly he give us small television and he play keichan's uri sarang at shonen club performance. even he also doing some dance step infront us.

then kei mama come to me, asked me write something note at one book. i saw many names that i know very well: inala, anne-chan, smilingkabo, aishah etc.. got many i can't remember LOL when i write the message i'm suddenly crying when write to keichan. sora-chan & yopi-chan, gomen ne~ i kept crying infront of them LOL farah also her message too. 
then got two japanese girls come in. i know they are NEWS fans too but too shy to asked. then we kept talking with kei mama.  then suddenly the miracle thing are, suddenly aimee-chan and pu-chan come that day too!! me and aimee-chan screaming suddenly. i nver thought they will come to keimama shop too that day. kei mama surpised that we know each others LOL sora-chan and yopi-chan can't believe about it too. they keep said that day are miracle day LOL . then when i want take picture all posters that kei mama shop.i come to other two japanese girls. suddenly one of them "shazana-san?" ehhh i'm surprised she know about me. actually we became friend at LINE before. OMG that day really miracle day for me, i can meet one of LINE friends here too. she also surprised about when we talked she heard "shazana".. she never thought we can meet at here too.

when we want go back, i already started crying again. i know that day i became annoying person ever. kept crying and crying infront others. sumimasen.

"mama, i really want meet NEWS so much, i want said thanks to keichan so much. how hard 4 of them working up for fans, thats why this time i want said thankful to them. i'm really sorry i can't make it. please let keichan now, i really want meet him on concert. of couse all NEWS"

kei mama: please don't cry anymore. keichan want see all NEWS fans smile now. no more tears. i know how sad u are, that time i also felt same as all. how painful to see how hard they are. right now, they just want all fans smile infront them. no more tears. i hope u will come next concert. please believe on them. they will do their best.

u know how hurt when heard from her mouth, how sad she are that time. she felt same as too. its too painful too think how she felt that time. she kept hug me and i can't stop said gomenasai~ gomenasai~
i know i felt stupid when i said this word " mama, thank you for born him this world" LOL all laugh at me wwww

then we take picture together at outside keimama ramen shop. but my japanese friends want kept it as personal stuff so i post my picture n farah only ne~

continue.. got another part where i can't believe its happen to me too.

ahhh today my birthday XD i got alot many lovely message. arigatou minna. last year its my worst birthday ever. but right now, 4member NEWS already full of my life already.

trip to japan

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