Happy NewS year~ goodbye 2012 welcome 2013~

Dec 28, 2012 17:36

lots things happen on 2012...

the worst one, my flight was cancelled to sapporo, i can't watch NEWS concert.. if think back its too hard to face it but i got alot good memories with my friends at Japan that time. first time i meet belle, anne, Pu-chan & aimee. they really awesome & kind person. of coz i'm not forget meeting my japanese friends too, we went to johnnys family, karaoke, they bring me place [pink to grey] location and of course we went to kei's ramen shop together. i can still remember every single mama's words to me, all her warmness body when she hug me. i wish i can meet someone that i really want to meet actually, because of weekday she working on day night. i really thankful to her, she make one of my wish come true already, really appreciate what she done for me.

and of coz 2012 was big time for our lovely boys, NEWS

i just want write about how happy i am right now.. last time i reallyworried about NEWS but now NEWS already stand up without any problem. Maybe they not famous like other Johnny's group but they now alreadybeen known at Japan n of coz other countries too. even they working assolo work they still bring name NEWS to their solo work.

thank to our oujisama, tegoshi yuya. because of him NEWS got chance became as official theme song for soccer. before this Johnnys image was volleyball theme song only, now NEWS got this opportunity. i'm so glad n so happy. some of you guys know that i really love stalking others twitter, love to read non-NEWS fans tweets about NEWS and talking about them. at first of coz, when they annouced NEWS will be official song and tegoshi will became MC for Japan Cup World Club, some soccer fans little bit dislike about it.. (as you know johnnys also got some haters among guy LOL) but world quest been air on all stadium at Japan, watching and knowing how tegoshi love so much about soccer.. now seem they like world quest.. even i read one tweet said
"if tegoshi really love so much soccer this much, i also will support NEWS with buying their single".. i dun know why i'm smiling when read this kind of tweet, its make me warm.. once i RT someone who love soccer, she write about how she really want said sorry to all tegoshi & NEWS fans because looking down at them before, seem she saw how tegoshi love about soccer, and how tegoshi really doing his best on MC, she really appreciate it so much" i just RT her tweet, then she reply me said sorry properly to me. that time i really want to crying.. i don't know why i felt like that.. i just said to her, its ok, don't worries. no need to said sorry" then we kept talking about soccer after that.. i really glad they give this oppturnity to tegoshi, when i watch soccer earth, i saw on his eyes was full of happiness even the show was on 2am live.

kato shigeaki, before this, this name was been unknown at Japan (some, of coz for johnnys otaku they know abt him, but not others) , even shige's acting at hanawake before, i read some tweets said "that cameraman was Johnnys?!" its different with yamapi, he really been known at Japan. when we said NEWS, they will said "aahh yamapi's group one" even they don't know other members name. i've been experience this moment when i meet some grandma & grandpa at Japan before. when i said i'm Johnnys fan, they straight asked me "arashi?" when i answered "NEWS".. "ahh, yamapi!" i just said "Yes!" after shige released his novel [Pink to Grey], his name been known but at first some comments said "its so easy ne became idol, you can do anything if you're idol" etc before his novel release date. after that, his novel got good comments from non-johnnys fans (non-shige's fans too). shige's talent now been known, i glad he take this step. at radio, he said he write novel not only for himself but also for NEWS, they want show to others who NEWS are. now he got fans from novel readers also, (after all i love stalking others tweets
about news at twitter LOL) before this, on kchan news when shige said that he watching 10 movies for month, maybe someone think that he just watch for fun or he don't have work bcoz of that he have time watching movies, actually he just not love watching movies but he also studying it. then he got offer became guest at one famous radio called [utamaru weekend shuffle], which this radio every year on December they will talked about movies ranking. after all shige are their every week
listener, shige love listen this radio. since his novel release, utamaru-san( dj radio/hiphop group called rhymester) realize about shige always talked about movie and his radio, then he invited shige to his radio. at first, some regular listener give some words "why they call johhnys as guest?" "who this guy, johnnys???" 'have he really know about movie after all?" etc.. yeah of coz you know johhnys also got some haters outside there too right? then after 1 hour shige on air talked about movie, "ahh, this guy have sense in movie choice" "wow, i will read his novel afterwards" "i never thought johnnys also have this kind idol". last saturday also he been invited once again at this radio but unfortunately he now have his own live radio [shigegori wktk], its on air same time with utamaru radio. so this time shige just his comment been record. i'm so happy when see some tweets said "kato shigeaki, i
waiting for you as a guest again" "kato shigeaki-san, i really want to know about him more" "kato-sensei, sorry for looking down to you before, i glad i read your novel" reading those comments make me proud of him. i really wish his novel will be adapt on movie, of coz i want he be main role ( but when i think back, i wonder shige want to be main role on his own story LOL).

on 2012, what impact keichan do to me? hmmm.. yeah gay role!!! i'm too surprised when i know his role on his latest butai was Gay!! LOL wow this really give me big impact!! but i really love keichan take this role, its show how good he is in acting, reading post obt his drama i know his acting really awesome. last 2 years when i went to watch his butai, at first i don't see him at all as keiichiro koyama, i saw him as shigeshige (his character name) his acting really great. i wish he will get new drama soon. for me, yeah i really glad he have lucky 7 drama before but its not enough, they should give keichan more oppurtunites acting on drama.
keichan as newscaster also give good impact to NEWS too, seem he and NEWS got more supporters from obaachan & ojisan too since keichan always invited to their place, even they remember about keichan.. i'm so happy~

about massu? since they now 4 members, i felt aura big brother on him towards shige LOL he love to hug and making fun with shige.. i glad at last massu got weekly drama, from last year i wish massu got drama. he always SP drama n guest appearence only, but this time he got it!! OMG at first episode already i'm crying watching his drama. if got doctor like massu on hospital i'll always want to be sick LOL.. i saw he really have good relationship with other his co-star. i glad to see that. he so cute even he was the eldest one.. ahhh forget the impact massu do to me was when i heard kchan news, i know that he love black underwear LOL its really wwwooooow massu u really pervert!!

when i think back, now NEWS not only got supporters like us, but also around soccer fans, novel readers, obaachan & ojiisan ne~
now no need to compared them with other groups, each of groups have good part, now we should appreciate what NEWS do to us now. they really do their best to protect NEWS, now our time to appreciate it what they done to us, support and protect them.
what my aim 2013 about NEWS? i just want they have own tv program (ahh~ i think this aim was been aiming since soukon finish) LOL

but i want to said my 2012 was full of GOOD NEWS, NEWS BEST ALBUM release, shige's novel [Pink to Grey] release, massu's butai, chankapaana's release, NEWS utsukoii concert 2012, tegoshi's became MC for CWC, shige's drama, massu's drama, keichan's butai, tegoshi's new MC, World Quest/Pokoponpekorya release etc..

so 2013 we also will got some awesome things too 30th Jan 2013 NEWS utsukoi Concert DVD will be release and kato shigeaki's second novel [senkou scrambles] will be release on 1st March 2013!! hope we will got something awesome news soon.

welcome 2013~

koyama keiichiro, tegoshi yuya, masuda takahisa, kato shigeaki, news

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