Re: re: RE: re: re: Re: RE

Oct 16, 2016 23:07

The good news is that I feel better than I did coming into the weekend; the bad news is omg, why is money. I got my first StitchFix package on Saturday, and I wasn't expecting to love it, and... I love it. It's a service where you take a quick quiz about your style preferences, budget and measurements, and on a schedule that you determine, a personal stylist sends you five items, any of which you can pay for/keep and the rest get sent back at no cost to you. The items they sent me first go around were pretty great: I'll probably be keeping the perfect little black dress and the pair of indigo skinny jeans that actually work on me; still undecided on the Steve Madden wine-colored suede shoes, but it also turns out that you get a big discount if you like all five items in your box. I said I needed interview clothes (for interviews that have not yet been offered, but hey, dress for the job you want), and the stylist included a long personal note wishing me luck and offering combination ideas -- so it's not just some algorithm spitting out poorly fitting fast fashion. If you click this link and sign up, I get $25 in credit and you get some perks too, so Iiiiii definitely encourage you to use it.

Other things I've been thinking a lot about: Biggest problem in my life as a human person right now is that I stay silent about things that are hurting and troubling me to keep other people comfortable or to keep myself from being vulnerable; the pain and the anger then get directed inward, and I wonder why I'm fucked up, miserable and lonely all the time. I have to figure out how to let people know they've hurt me without being terrified that the sky will fall and I'll be disproportionately punished for speaking up. The thought scares me to death -- not to mention, you know, I'd have to practice actually doing this without making things worse than they need to be, and especially because some of the people I'd need to talk to are people I love dearly. It was just Yom Kippur, so I'm a little late on the whole "straightening out my griefs and grievances" stuff, but... what, the only "too late" is never?

Pivoting back to... less heavy-duty topics: I want to take this autobiographical comics course so bad. Eight people, Amy Kurtzweil, a chance to think about memoir... but $500, omg. That said! I met up with my friend who manages a bunch of very specialty retail stores in the New York area, and she's ready to start training me for what sounds like a deeply intensive and kind of fascinating relationship-building and almost psychological retail experience. The money would be good, I could control how many days a week I'd do it, I'd meet a lot of interesting strangers and have a lot to do that's not just sitting on my couch wondering why I'm still watching Scandal. I also told friend that I was actively looking for FT journalism work; she basically needs to start training someone now, for a commitment through the end of the year. At this point, I think I actually just need to say yes just so, in a fit of pique, the universe can deliver a goddamn opportunity to complicate things.

I'll end with some gorgeous photos of Scotland taken by author
_elizabethmay, which someone retweeted today and which I was just so taken with. Oh gosh, I need to get some real traveling done again. I'm having feelings about Christmas in Los Angeles, but if I take this retail job that could get a tad complicated, since I'm going out of town for Thanksgiving. Anyway, though. I need some money, and LA should still be there when I've suffered through a New York winter a little more.

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rambling, hole in my pocket, comics, the questing beast, same time next week

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