
Oct 06, 2016 10:56

Hello, unknown friend! I am all over the place right now in terms of trying to figure out what I'd want to say, but here is my Yuletide tag and here is last year's letter. This year I'm not really looking for sexy things, but I do love characters who love and respect each other, as complicated as that may be. To steal from 2015, I enjoy stories that are really committed to the world they're in. If you want to try strange formats or experimental approaches, I'm all in. If you prefer straightforward cinematic storytelling, go for it. Above all, I want you to enjoy yourself. That's the secret sauce. ♥ See you in December!

Rat Queens
Gosh, I love Dee -- her atheism, her family ties, her introversion, her self-discovery. I just love Dee! I love quiet people who make friends with a bunch of loundmouths. I'm happy with, like, anything about Dee -- a quest of her own, a day in the life with the Rat Queens (early days? recent adventures? quiet times?), a pre-canon whatever-you-want. I'm only caught up through the trades, so I'd appreciate no spoilers for anything after Vol. 3. I really do love everyone in this bar. Just have so much fun with it!

Dead Like Me
Rube, Rube, Rube of my heart. I love how ferociously Jewish he is. I would really love anything focusing on Rube and how his Jewishness informs his entire character and his relationship with death and the system he's part of. If you feel like that's out of your wheelhouse, I'm more than happy watching him be the angry dad of the reapers -- I'd prefer a focus on George, Roxy and/or Betty, if that's okay. Day in the life, bigger-picture stuff, action, contemplation, wit, whatever you want.

The Arrival - Shaun Tan
How beautiful and strange and emotional is this book? I'd love for you to pick a character from the story, whether it's another immigrant or one of the Arrival family or a local watching all these immigrants settle in, and just follow that where it leads you. Backstory, other arrival stories, adventures with the animals or the technology, especially if it stays in that dreamy, surreal realism that makes the illustrations so moving.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!


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