look what i found!!!

Mar 13, 2011 19:16

My goodness. i was going through some of the crap on my computer and found this. wrote it ages ago for the Kink Meme that ran a while back, and because i labeled it "km" i had no idea what it was and never really looked at it. Now that i have found it, i have decided to post it for you lovely lovely people.

Title: Come away with me.
Pairing: Eleven/Jack
Warnings: spoilers for matt smith series, sort of. character references more like. Explicit sex scene.
Summary: The Doctor has left him on his own too long.
Disclaimer: If they were mine i would not be sharing them with anyone. and i wouldnt be poor either!!


“So, what are we waiting for?” Amy asked, swinging her legs from the platform.

“Not what, Pond, whom,” the Doctor replied.

“Fine, who are we waiting for?” He could practically hear the eye roll.

“An old friend of mine. He needs a friend at the moment. I’ve left him on his own for far too long.” The last was more of a murmur to himself than to her. He went back to the tinkering under the Tardis.

“Does he have a name? Honestly, getting information out of you is like pulling teeth!” Amy turned to face him, a look of aggravated amusement on her face.

“I’ll let him introduce himself when he gets here.”

Amy rolled her eyes just as the sound of a key in the door brought the Doctor’s faffing to a halt. He moved towards the door a little, leaning against the bit of railing next to Amy.

The door opened and a handsome man walked in. His eyes travelled around the Tardis, a soft sadness in his eyes. Like he had come home only to find that it wasn’t home any more. His eyes slid over Amy, and a slightly mischievous look passed across his face. As his eyes roamed over the Doctor, his expression could only be described as lecherous.

“Nice. Very nice. You just keep getting younger huh Doc?” he walked forwards, stopping just short of the Doctor, who noticed vaguely that Amy had stood up beside him.

“It’s not a personal choice. If it were I would be ginger,” the Doctor replied in a rather forlorn manner. Jack gave him an odd look. “What? I’ve never been ginger! It’s something I think I should get to experience at least once!”

Jack turned his confused look on Amy. “He’s this crazy normally I presume. His last two incarnations were too, but...”

“Yup, and he’s always this rude too. I’m Amy Pond, and you are?”

Amy’s Scottish accent washed over Jack’s ears, and he gave her his best winning smile (more to aggravate the Doctor than anything) and replied, “Captain Jack Harkness. It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Pond.” He took her offered hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of it.

“It’s Mrs. Pond actually Captain, so stop it. Amy, go and hunt down your elusive husband and warn him that Jack here will likely flirt with him too.” The Doctor cut in.

“And miss the look on his face? Fat chance! I will be there with a camera,” Amy replied, mischief in her eyes. “How much can you turn on the charm?” the glee in her eyes was playful, and Jack could see the Doctor’s look of Don’t-You-Dare. He ignored it.

“For you? As much as you want.”

“Amy,” the Doctor whined, “don’t encourage him! He needs no encouragement!”

A soft purring type sound flitted across his mind, and he wheeled on the Tardis consol, then back to Jack, who was lightly stroking the nearest bit of Tardis. “Stop flirting with my ship Harkness!” Amy snickered and Rory stuck his head round the arch at the top of the stairs.

“What are you shouting about now Doctor? And who’s the bloke in the Army coat?” he asked, coming down to the console level.

“RAF actually. Captain Jack Harkness.” Jack had that grin on his face again, and his hand held onto Rory’s just long enough for his face to flush and his mouth to open and close a few times as he was subjected to a long, lingering look from Jack, who slid his eyes up and down Rory’s body before throwing a conspiratorial wink at Amy. The Doctor just shook his head.

“Do you ever stop?”

“Stop what?” Jack asked, the picture of innocence. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked Amy, who shook her head.

“Not that I saw.”

“You have, in the last five minutes flirted with me, both my companions and my ship, Captain,” the Doctor replied in an exasperated manner.

“Jealous are we?” Amy’s comment surprised him. Jack’s eyes flashed with amusement.

The Doctor spluttered. “Don’t be so - that’s prepost - how can you - ?”

“He is!” she said, the sparkle of impish amusement back in her eyes. “He only gets all flustered when he is trying to deny something!”

“I am not jealous!” the Doctor’s blush told everyone he was lying.

“You are!” she laughed, clapping. “Bravo Captain.”

Jack was giving him a curious look. Jealous? Of a married couple and a ship?

“I’m not even going to get involved,” the Doctor muttered, turning to the console and starting to spin dials, moving levers and pressing buttons in what appeared to be a random and hap-hazard manner.

Jack smiled. He had an idea. But it could wait. For now, he would push buttons and pull levers with the Doctor, who looked slightly perturbed that he could pilot the Tardis like a pro. He didn’t let on that the Tardis was helping him, partly because she liked him and partly because she was trying to wind the Doctor up.

The Doctor darted around the Tardis, muttering about his interfering Tardis and flirtatious men. He ducked under Jack’s arm to push a button, stalling for a second when a waft of the heady pheromones the man seemed to walk in a cloud of drifted up his nose. My good god...he smells way too good.

He jerked himself away, both from the thought and Jack. Bad idea. Very bad idea. A dark little voice in the back of his head started to mutter about how good an idea it was, because it meant that he could get some once in a while. More than once in a while if it was Jack, and Jack would live forever. Even the wrong bit wasn’t a problem. That was just more exciting. Doing something you know you shouldn’t be. He shook his head, firmly ignoring the dark little voice by reciting Pi in his head, and starting again every time he got distracted.

Amy flicked her eyes over the two men, and the sudden change in the tension between them. Her eyes narrowed a little, and then she smiled brightly. “Come on, Rory.”

“Where are we going?” he asked, looking confused.

“Don’t know. Somewhere. I’m sure the Tardis will oblige us with something interesting. I know, the Doctor once told me there was a swimming pool in the library. I have yet to find it. Lets!” she replied brightly, catching his hand and dragging him out of the console room, tipping Jack a wink as she walked past him. Rory followed, bemused, completely sure that he didn’t want to know what was going on.

Jack smiled a little. He knew what Amy had tried to do. She had been about as subtle as a frying pan to the face. He glanced at the Doctor who had stopped piloting the Tardis and was now just stood with his eyes lowered, his long hands gripping the rail behind him. He was tense, his whole body rigid, even -

Wow. Jack’s eyes caught on the rather prominent bulge in the Doctor’s trousers. Rather was an understatement. He took a step forward and the Doctor’s eyes snapped up to meet his. The tension in his body increased as Jack moved closer, but he made no move to shift away or tell Jack to stop. In fact, if the unveiled lust darkening his eyes was anything to go by, he had no intention of making Jack stop.

Jack stood in front of the Doctor, a hairs breadth away from kissing him. He ran his fingers lightly up the Doctor’s sides, feeling the muscles shift beneath the thin shirt.

“Did I mention how much I like this you?” he murmured.

“You might have mentioned something yeah. I don’t mind being told twice though.” The Doctor gave a delicious little shiver and his control snapped. He closed the gap between them and kissed Jack with a heat and passion that left him breathless, his hands sliding through Jack’s hair as he whimpered softly.

They finally came up for air, though Jack had carried on until black spots had started appearing in his vision, and regarded each other carefully. The Doctor’s face was still only a few inches from Jack’s own, his hands still carded through his hair. He realised at this point that their bodies were still a fair distance apart, and slowly and carefully brought them together. Jack hissed at the contact, his hips giving an involuntary jerk into the Doctor’s, who groaned, pulling Jack in for another heady kiss.

Suddenly he stepped away. “I can’t do this. Not here.”

“Where would you suggest we go then?” Jack sauntered close again, crowding the Doctor, who leaned closer without meaning to. “Where can we go on your wonderful ship where I can do whatever my heart desires with you?” He brushed his knuckles over the Doctor’s jaw, and the Doctor moved into the contact like a contented cat.

“I’m sure I can think of a few places.” The Doctor grinned and darted away, leading Jack on a merry chase through the Tardis corridors. He stopped suddenly, his back to the door as Jack stopped close, so close that their bodies touched with every breath. His hand was on the handle, a playful glint in his eye.

He opened the door and they half fell through into what Jack presumed was the Doctor’s bedroom. He had never actually seen the Doctor sleep, or had any inclination that he did, but this room was so perfectly suited to this bouncy young man that it had to be his. He barely had time to register this fact before the Doctor was on him, shoving his coat from his shoulders and sliding his hands under his braces with the same frantic energy with which he, from what he knew about both this Doctor and the ones he had previously known, did everything.

Jack caught his hands, stilling them against his chest as he drew the Doctor in for a long and languid kiss. “Doctor, we are in a Time Machine. There is no rush. We have all the time in the universe.” He peppered light kisses over the Doctor’s face, feeling the pent up energy behind his stillness, like a colt, all long limbs and bursting with energy that needed somewhere to go.

“Jack,” the Doctor drew out the name, the sound almost like a whine. He was clutching at Jack’s shirt, his knuckles white. “Jack, please.”

“How can I refuse you when you beg so prettily?” Jack asked, his voice a husky whisper that caressed the Doctor’s throat as he leaned down to nibble the pale expanse of skin revealed to him as the Time Lord tilted his head back. Jack lifted his fingers to the bow tie, undoing both it and the top few buttons on his shirt to give himself better access. A pity he didn’t decide to stick with a normal tie. Can have much more fun with those. He slid the braces down and let them hang at the Doctor’s side, never letting his lips leave the Doctor’s neck. Not that it matters given that I can substitute the braces instead.

He pulled the Doctor’s shirt from his trousers, pausing long enough to make the alien stop trying to undress him, pushing his hands back down to his sides gently, but firmly. He undid the shirt buttons one by one, pushing the Doctor back towards the bed as he did so, pushing the shirt from his shoulders to the floor, before pushing the Doctor down on to the bed.

The Doctor reached for him to pull him down too, but Jack stepped away, leaving the Doctor to pout. He pouted very well, but Jack just smiled down at him and started to undress himself. He did it quickly enough that the Doctor could not become impatient, but slowly enough that the Doctor froze to watch as Jack’s body was revealed to him. This stillness lasted until Jack had undone his shirt and removed both it and the t-shirt beneath, at which point the Doctor began hastily stripping off the rest of his clothes, though he never allowed his eyes to drift away from Jack.

As soon as all clothing had been removed and thrown from immediate eyesight, the Doctor and Jack regarded each other hungrily until Jack moved forward so he was standing between the Doctor’s knees. The Doctor leaned back on his elbows, a tilt of his head all the encouragement Jack needed to move so he was hovering above the waiting Time Lord. The tips of their erections brushed together and the Doctor moaned, his head dropping back as his hips canted up towards Jack, who obliged him, lowering himself slowly onto the man he had been waiting for centuries. The Doctor lay back and wrapped his arms around Jack, running his hands down his sides. He clutched at Jack’s shoulders as Jack kissed him and ground his hips down, whimpering at the teasing contact.

“Jack. Jack, please!” he gasped, writhing beneath the immortal, who had to have the patience of a saint as far as the Doctor was concerned, because there was no way that the Doctor could stand any more of this torture. “Jack, I need - I want - ”

“What?” Jack crooned, “Tell me what you want.” He dropped his head down onto the Doctor’s shoulder and nibbled his collar bone, which made the Doctor squeak. Interested by this reaction he repeated the nibble and the Doctor seemed to shake. Note to self: collar bone equals putty in my hands. “Tell me what you want.” He repeated against the Time Lord’s skin.

“You, I want you,” the Doctor gasped helplessly, his hips arching to meet Jack’s.

“You have me. What do you want me to do?” Jack wanted to hear him ask for it, wanted to hear him beg him for it.

“I want you to -” he faltered as Jack tweaked one of his nipples and bit down on his collar bone at the same time, “I want you to take me.”

“Do you now?” Jack punctuated his question with a thrust of his hips and a soft kiss.

“Jack, please.” The plea that left the Doctor’s lips was breathy, and Jack couldn’t bring himself to refuse him.


“Top draw.”

Jack retrieved the jar and turned back to the Doctor. “How long is it since you last did this?”

“Couple of centuries? Never in the last few bodies.”

“So you are effectively a virgin then?”

“Yeah.” The Doctor suddenly looked nervous, as though the thought hadn’t occurred to him.

Jack ran a soothing hand down the side of the Doctor’s face, smoothing the worry lines in his forehead. “It’s ok. Let me take care of you.” He tilted the Doctor’s chin up, placing a gentle, loving kiss on his lips. “Let me remind you what you have been missing.”

The Doctor nodded, almost shyly, before moving up the bed and rolling up onto his hands and knees. Jack followed, placing a gently kiss between his shoulder blades as he opened the jar and coated his fingers liberally. He kissed his way down the Doctor’s spine, using one hand to spread the Doctor’s knees. He licked carefully at the Doctor’s hole, feeling first the tension of his body, surprise perhaps, before he relaxed and whimpered as the gentle probing continued.

At some point the Doctor realised that Jack was using the tip of his finger to loosen up just the very edge of the ring of muscle. He gasped as he felt Jack push in a little more, felt the gentle sliding movement as Jack moved within him. He remembered suddenly how good this could feel, but Jack wasn’t deep enough to hit that spot yet. He pushed back, and heard Jack chuckle softly behind him. “Patience,” he murmured, crooking his finger just slightly.

“Think about who you are talking to for a second will you?” the Doctor gasped, his voice catching in his throat as his body jerked. “When have you ever known me to be patient?”

Jack hummed in reply, removing his finger and replacing it with two. The Doctor moaned at the delicious burn.  A little too loudly. He bit his lip to stifle any other sounds that might come out and thrust back against Jack’s hand. Jack scisorred his fingers, stretching him. The Doctor keened softly, his impatience building again. He wanted Jack. And he wanted Jack now. He thrust back hard and shuddered when Jack’s fingers struck his prostate, a strangled gasp ripping from him. He repeated the motion, mildly surprised when he felt the larger intrusion of three of Jack’s fingers inside him.

“Oh Jack, yes!” he arched his back, his whole body shaking with pleasure. The tiny fizzle of pain did nothing to dampen his arousal, if anything, it was more potent. Perhaps I’m a little bit of a masochist now. That could be interesting. Must remember to get Jack to test this theory.

Jack rolled his eyes. He could practically hear the Doctor thinking. The cogs were turning. Something that did nothing for Jack’s ego. So he twisted his fingers inside the Doctor, making him yelp and buck forwards. Jack slid his fingers out, ignoring the growl of protest that sounded from the Time Lord’s throat. He slid in with one smooth thrust, making the Doctor groan again. It was a long, loud, drawn out sound that stroked Jack’s ego quite nicely. He gave a shallow little thrust, the Doctor’s gasp of pleasure fuelling his desire.

The Doctor arched his back, pushing back. Jack felt hot, his shaft stroking his cooler channel, the tip pushing hard against that spot with every thrust. He became conscious of the amount of noise he was making and tried to hold it in. The last thing he needed was Amy throwing dirty comments and a confused Rory trying to work out what she was on about. He found it impossible. Jack was too good and kept pulling groans from him. He leaned down, pushing his face into his arms to muffle the sound. That did nothing but increase the pleasure of Jack’s thrusts, the new angle making sure that Jack was rubbing the length of his cock across his prostate both on the inward and outward movement. He unconsciously clenched his muscles, pulling a heated groan from Jack. He grinned, repeating the move when Jack next pushed in.

“You’re going to make this end real fast if you keep doing that,” Jack hissed, his thrusts speeding up and becoming more erratic. The Doctor responded by clenching more. Jack reached round, gripping the Doctor’s neglected cock as the thrust.

The Doctor moaned, clenching his teeth on a pillow as he jerked and writhed beneath the immortal’s ministrations, unable to keep the sounds in any more. Sensation over load and the need to not let Rory and Amy hear him warred as he whimpered and keened as Jack prevented him from coming too soon with a tight grip in just the right place. He pushed back, clamping down on Jack again, his jaw clenched on the mouthful of pillow. He almost screamed as he felt Jack’s hot release inside him, grateful that the pillow took the sound has Jack let go and he came, hard.

The two fell sideways away from the wet patch. Jack went to pull out, but the Doctor clenched and grabbed hold of him. “Stay.”

Jack agreed, wrapping and arm around the Time Lord’s middle and nuzzling the back of his neck. The Doctor practically purred in satisfaction, covering Jack’s arm with his.

The two lay in contented silence for a little while, Jack placing soft kisses to all the bits of skin he could reach without really moving and the Doctor enjoying the feeling of being held in such a warm and loving embrace. He turned his head to look at Jack, who dropped a chaste kiss to his lips. The Doctor moved into the contact, seeking the warmth that Jack offered him.

“Will you stay?” he whispered. “With me?”

“Do you want me to?” Jack was still unsure. And who could blame him? The Doctor had run from him, told him he was wrong. Used him because he couldn’t die. Refused him time after time.

“Yes. So much. I want you here. I want to love you. I want to show you so many things, Jack. Take you so many places. And like you say. We have all the time in the world.” He kissed Jack, tenderly, pouring all the things he felt for the immortal into the kiss. He reached back and pressed his fingers to his temples, opening a link that would allow Jack to feel the want, the desire, the love, the guilt. “Let me love you, Jack. Let me. Please?”

Jack responded with another kiss, a heated and passionate one, though he was careful not to break the psychic link. “Yes.”

The Doctor kissed back with enthusiasm, his body rolling back into Jack’s. He froze as he felt jack begin to harden again inside him, relishing in the feeling of being filled so completely. He rolled his hips again, causing Jack to harden further. Jack thrust a little and the Doctor gasped, a grin spreading across his face. “Are you ready for round two?” he asked cheekily.

“With you? Always.” Jack angled his thrust and the Doctor keened loudly, checking himself far too late. He threw Jack a heated look and sank his teeth into the pillow again.
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