Change is neither good nor bad you see (11/Jack) [pg-13]

Mar 05, 2011 09:18

Title: Changes are neither good nor bad you see
Author: Newra_Skylarke
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: Changes are neither good nor bad
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Spoilers/warnings: nope.
Summary: Jack has an epiphany, and the Doctor shows that he can be a little dense.
It was different certainly. Jack wasn’t completely sure how he felt about it. He walked around the new console, skimming his fingers lightly over the new buttons, trying hard not to miss the old space he always thought of as home. Trying to get to grips with the reality that the old Tardis was gone, and with her, the Doctor he had only recently gotten to grips with. But maybe the changes were good.

“So what do you think?” The Doctor sounded apprehensive, like the acceptance of the Tardis would mean an acceptance of him.

“It’s different,” Jack replied.

“Good different or bad different?” The Doctor bobbed a little on the spot, hovering just behind Jack.

“Just different.”

“What about me?” The Doctor’s voice sounded small.

Jack turned to face him. “You don’t get it do you?” The Doctor looked confused and Jack sighed, placing his hands on either side of the Doctor’s face. “It doesn’t matter to me. What you look like, whatever little personality quirks you have. Anything. You are still the Doctor, my Doctor and I’ll love you no matter what you look like.”

The Doctor, in a seeming moment of insecurity, searched Jack’s face. “Really?”

“Really.” As if to prove the point, Jack leaned forward and kissed the Doctor tenderly, their lips brushing only lightly. He pulled away and saw the Doctor’s expression warring.

“Change is neither good nor bad with you Doc. You are who you are, and no matter who that is, I’ll love you just the same for the deeper you. The one that’s constant all the time.”

With that, the Doctor launched himself into Jack’s arms and kissed him hard, pushing him up against the console and pressing himself into the Captain’s chest. Jack groaned into the kiss and responded with equal vigour. He felt alive suddenly, and he realised that this was how it felt. Coming home. Having somewhere that he could settle and call home, but still roam like he did because the only constants he needed were the Doctor and the Tardis. They were his settling down, and he was theirs’, for as long as they would let him be.

He ran his fingers through the Doctor’s hair, memorising the feel of it. The soft texture, the length just right for gripping lightly to move the Doctor’s head just a little to the side so that they fit just right. This version of the Doctor was a little shorter than the one before, a little less gangly. It felt like there was more of him, less like he would vanish if you were to look at him from side-ways on. There were things Jack didn’t fully understand, like why he was dressed like an old professor when he looked so young. Perhaps it was the fact that the Doctor was over nine hundred years old. You couldn’t tell that this was the case to look at him. Not with the boyish smile and the boundless energy that poured from his every movement. Not unless you looked into his eyes, deep into his soul. Then you could see the years, and how the Doctor, like Jack, was older than he looked.

But none of this mattered, the old or the new. Not to Jack. What mattered was that he was home. He was home but still a wanderer. And that was fine. Life with the Doctor could stay the same or life could change. And he wouldn’t care a bit.

Change is neither good nor bad you see. Not when you have eternity to live and you know that everything will change around you while you remain the same. Change just is, and you have to accept it as it comes, and roll with it. The Doctor would change, and the Tardis might too. These were things that Jack would have to deal with as and when they showed up.
be kind please. it is unbeta-d... mostly because if i dont post as i go i wont remember to do it!!!!

doctor who, wintercompanion, jack, jack/11, jack/the doctor, fanfiction, the doctor, challenge: 2011 bingo

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