just a little something.

Dec 31, 2009 12:41

Title: Mine

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood or Doctor Who, if I did, there would be a whole bunch of things that were not happening......... if anyone doesn’t know what, then clearly you didn’t watch COE close enough.....

WARNING::::: SPOILERS FOR COE..... in brief passing...... though if you haven’t seen it yet.... good for you, I seriously wish I hadn’t.....

Summary: Jack’s date gets ousted.

Author’s note: You should see my notes for this. Scribbled at about two in the morning, when I grabbed the nearest pen and paper, scrawled the idea down and went back to sleep.....


Jack’s back hit the wall as the young man in front of him kissed him fiercely. Jack kissed him back with a vigour he wasn’t really feeling and for the fourth time that evening wished it was someone else kissing him, someone else pressing themselves against him, someone else who could ease away the burning pain in his chest.

He felt a pang of guilt. Mostly because even after a hundred years in Jack’s linear timeline, it still felt like he was cheating on Ianto. There was a little bit of him that was feeling a little sorry for the eager prospect undoing his shirt buttons, because it wasn’t his fault that Jack’s attention wasn’t on him. It wasn’t like he wasn’t attractive. He was. He was stunningly gorgeous. But he wasn’t the same. The sparkle in his eyes wasn’t quite right, the curve of his jaw, the blue of his eyes, the softness of his hair beneath Jack’s fingers. None of it was what Jack was after. But he continued, in the vain hope that something would make the difference, and that one of these conquests would make him forget one of the only people he had ever truly loved.

It worried him that he had to try and fake it. He had never had to do that before Ianto. Ever. It just didn’t happen. Now his reaction was purely physical. There was no enjoyment. There was no pleasure. Release made him grimace the moment he was sure his expression couldn’t be seen, because it always left him feeling dirty, and like he was tainted, and that the dirt would never wash off.

Jack’s date knelt down and undid Jack’s trousers, pulling his hardened cock out and licking it from root to tip. Jack closed his eyes, willing it to feel right. Willing it to feel like him. It didn’t, and Jack felt cheated. Part of his brain scoffed at him cruelly. Of course it wasn’t going to feel like him. Nothing ever would. Nothing would ever compare. How could it, when the man he wanted so desperately would never again draw breath, let alone moan around his cock like this guy was. Jack moaned, more out of habit than anything, so as not to offend him, and let his body go into autopilot responses as he was edged closer to a climax.

A cough from the open end of the alley made his eyes shoot open. Not because he had been caught, but because of the familiarity of the sound. The man at his feet sprang back and glared at the intruder. He turned back to Jack and tucked him back into his trousers. “Come on, let’s take this somewhere a little more private.”

But Jack wasn’t listening. He wasn’t even aware that he had stopped. His eyes were fixed on the man leaning nonchalantly against the wall under the light on the street. It couldn’t be. Could it? How could he be standing there, exactly the same as he had been when he died, down to the little scratch on the side of his face where some flying piece of the Hub had caught him as he ran away. It was too good to be true. It had to be.

“Ianto...” he breathed, stepping past the man trying to lead him away, missing the look of shock and outrage on his face.

He reached the end of the alley, stopping just in front of the man who he had kissed goodbye a century ago. He reached out a trembling hand, brushing his fingertips down the side of that familiar face, unconvinced he wasn’t dreaming until he touched him. A strangled sob escaped his throat as he pulled Ianto into a frantic kiss, groaning as everything clicked into place. He felt a wave of heat wash over him as Ianto kissed him and slipped his hands underneath Jack’s coat and pulled him flush against him in a manner he had missed for far too long. The ease with which they slipped back together sent Jack’s heart skipping, and filled him with an elation so intense he didn’t know if he was going to laugh or cry.

“Excuse me mate, do you mind?” A voice interrupted them. It was only then that Jack realised that the man who had been sucking him off was still standing there, arms folded, glowering at Ianto. “I you want him, you’ll have to join the line. He’s mine, at least for tonight.”

Ianto smirked. “You think so?”

The guy (whose name Jack realised he didn’t know) smirked back. “I know so.”

“Actually, I think you’ll find he’s mine. He has been mine for over a hindered years.” Ianto sauntered over to the upstart.

“Then the jokes on you mate cause he’s slept with half the town and he’s only been here two weeks.”

“Nothing new for Jack, but the question is, where was his heart? Clearly not with any of you. His heart was still with me, a hundred years in the past, where I died in his arms. Where he begged me not to leave him, where he begged invading aliens to spare me. So I think you’ll find, he’s mine. Ianto turned away and moved back to Jack.

Jack still looked flabbergasted. “How are you here?” he whispered.

“You have your Doctor to thank for that.” Ianto flicked his head sideways, drawing Jack’s eye over to the man in the long brown coat, leaning against an old Earth Police Box. The Doctor gave him a casual salute and smiled. Jack looked back at Ianto, still wondering if it was safe to believe he was there.

“I thought I’d never see you again.” Jack’s voice cracked.

“I didn’t want to leave you behind.” Ianto ran a hand gently down Jack’s face, wiping away the tear that moved down his cheek.

Jack smiled and kissed him again, less franticly, but with no less passion or enthusiasm. An irritated scoff came from his nameless “friend”, who was tapping his foot impatiently, clearly thinking that Jack was still up for grabs at some point in the evening.

“Oh fuck off and find someone else to shag.” Ianto intoned in a voice that implied he was rather bored with the continued necessity to talk to him.

“You offering?”

“Not bloody likely.” Ianto replied, not even bothering to take his eyes of Jack’s.

The young man stalked off, peeved and feeling rather like he’s been ousted by someone who was clearly off his head. How could someone be talking to him, and have died a century previously? It made no sense. And clearly this Jack bloke was just as barking. Shame really.

The Doctor ambled over to the pair. He seemed a little distracted by Jack’s open shirt. “You offering?” he repeated the question asked a few minutes earlier. Jack’s eyebrows flew into his hairline as he followed the Doctor’s gaze.

“Doc, if I’d known all it took was for me to undo a few buttons I would have tried this ages ago.”

Ianto grinned wolfishly. “I’m sure we can fit you in.”


Not quite how I intended it to come out, but never mind, eh.

Comments are love!!

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