(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 10:44

Title: Collaboration part 3
Rating: definitely NC-17/18/whatever the hell “shameless porn in writing comes under these days…. Or it will be in later parts. Not much in this one.
Summary: The Doctor and Ianto collaborate for Jack’s birthday present.
A/N: Don’t ask… its much safer believe me.
Disclaimer: If I owned Torchwood, there would be way more sex scenes, and if I owned Doctor who, David Tennant wouldn’t be leaving and it would not be a family show. As it is the boys will be returned later, when I’m done playing with them. No profit, so don’t sue, I’m skint.

Part 3: in which Jenny makes a reappearance and the Doctor gets an unpleasant wake up call…

Unbeta-d. Too impatient to wait for it to come back.

Previous Parts:
I don’t think he’s wrong
I didn’t know, I swear!
The Consequences of being bad:
Collaboration Part 1, Part 2


The Doctor and Ianto poked around in the Tardis, looking for something for Jack.

“What’s this?” Ianto asked, making the Doctor look up.

“Erm… I’m not sure. Something I confiscated off Jack once. No idea what it does, but the Tardis wasn’t over pleased with it so I nabbed it.

“Ah. Ok then.” He laid it to one side, in what had been designated as the “no pile” some time before. He continued to rummage through the box of items in front of him, searching for a suitable present. He pulled out what looked like an odd cross between some pan pipes and a shell, holding it up with interest.

“What does this do?”

“Stroke it gently.”

Ianto did so and the small device gave out a note, a bit like a wine glass when you ran your finger around the edge. “It’s beautiful,” he whispered, sharing a smile with the Doctor.

“It is isn’t it. I rescued it from a grotesque museum. It was going to be filled with cement. Thought it was pretty. You don’t often find pretty things in places like that, so I brought it out with me.” The Doctor ran his own fingers over it, bringing out a higher pitched note, brushing Ianto’s hand as he did so, sending a spark through the young human’s body.

Ianto blushed a little, putting the instrument down, glancing swiftly at the Doctor, who lifted his hand to run it gently down the side of Ianto’s face. This only made Ianto blush more, and the Doctor smiled, leaning forward and stealing a soft kiss from the Welshman, not that Ianto had any objection to the kiss being stolen. He loved the unique taste of the Time Lord. It was familiar, yet completely alien, an interesting tang running through it. Almost like a sharp citrus flavour, though even that wasn’t quite accurate.

“Dad I just wanted to ask - oh sorry.” Jenny had entered the room. Ianto flushed an even deeper shade of scarlet, pulling away and busying himself with the contents of his box. The Doctor turned to face his daughter.

“Don’t worry about it. What was it you wanted to ask?”

“The rift alarm went off. Its nothing big, a piece of tech they think, but Jack wanted to know if I wanted to tag along, as you have run off with one of his members of staff. I just wanted to check that it was ok.”

“Sure, just make sure you’re careful,” the Doctor replied, shouting the last part as she dashed away to join the others.

The two continued their search in companiable silence for a little while before the Doctor looked up to see a blush still gracing Ianto’s features.

“You know she’s not all that bothered by the fact that she walked in on that right. She’s seen much worse. She saw what I did to Jack when he flirted with her. You all saw that.”

Ianto murmured something unintelligible.

“Say again?” the Doctor asked.

“I said, that was different. And that was Jack. Everyone knows how you and Jack are.” Ianto replied, keeping his head down.

“And? Everyone knows how you and me are too. Everyone twigged that he wasn’t the only person on the team I had my eye on. Mickey found the CCTV footage of us kissing in that corridor. And then there was the fact that everyone heard us going at it in the changing rooms.” Ianto flushed a little more. The Doctor titled his head up, forcing him to look him in the eye. “Are you worried by it? Cause we can stop.” Ianto shook his head quickly.

“No, that’s not what I meant. I meant… I … I don’t really know.”

The Doctor kissed him again, making him melt a little. “Well I do. And it’s you, and Jack.”

Ianto nodded, kissing the Doctor back, threading his fingers into the Time Lord’s wild hair.

When they broke apart this time it was with a certain reluctance, knowing that they had to have found something for Jack’s birthday before the Captain demanded their attention be turned to other things. Like him.

“Oh, what about this?” The Doctor passed him a small hand held device. “It’s a games console. Has over 300 games stored on it. Should keep him amused for hours.”

“It will. He’s really rubbish at them, but it gets to him and he wont leave it alone until he has it spot on. Rubik’s cube is the only thing to have beaten him to date. That’s a really good one.”

“He can try and beat all my high scores,” the Doctor grinned, placing it next to the musical instrument from earlier.

“He’ll obsess over it. I’ll have to confiscate it during work hours.”

The Doctor rummaged for another few minutes before pulling out a slim tube. “I forgot I had this.”

Ianto looked a little perplexed. “What is it?”

“An early model of my sonic screwdriver. Not as good as the one I have now, not as easy to use. Still pretty useful though. Jack scoffed at my sonic screwdriver when I first met him. Was much happier with his sonic blaster, which while impressive, suffered from severe battery power issues. Something I have never had to worry about with this.” He twirled it between his fingers. “Gotten me and Jack out of some tight spots before now. Good present?”

“Depends on what it does that Jack could ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ cause havoc with.”

“Absolutely everything. But it’s also very helpful at getting out of the havoc.”

“Can he blow things up with it.”


“Can he break the coffee machine with it?”

“As if he’d dare. He lives off the stuff, and his team can’t function without it. How would he cope?”

“Can he annoy the hell out of everyone with it?”

“Yep. But he can also save the world with it.”

“Good present then.”

“Now for the hard part,” said the Doctor. Ianto looked at him, slightly confused. “Where the bloody hell did I put the wrapping paper?”


The next morning, the Doctor was woken by something licking his face. He opened his eyes to find Jack straddling his hips, holding Owen above his face. The Doctor smiled. He moved the splatchling, placing him on the bed, so that he could lean up and hug Jack.

“Happy Birthday Jack.”

He kissed the Captain, who groaned lightly, allowing the Gallifreyan to slip his tongue into his mouth. He ran his fingers over the slimmer man’s bare chest, pleased with the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

At that moment a distant alarm sounded in the Hub.

Jack pouted, pulling back a little. “Sodding Rift alarm. Doesn’t so much as give a blip for you, but anything else it’s like a sodding foghorn.” Jack stood up, picking Owen up again. “Coming? You never pass up the opportunity to save the world from alien invasion… or from splathclings for that matter.” Said splatchling nestled in the Captain’s arms, looking expectantly at the Doctor. The Time Lord got up, petting the small being, placating him for the moment, before placating Jack with another kiss.

“Just so you know he’ll object to being left on his own at first and won’t half make a mess of the place if you do. Someone will either need to stay with him or he’ll have to come along.”

He walked over to the chair that he had unceremoniously dumped his clothes the night before. Ianto had been plotting with him via text message late into the night… plotting that had led to some rather sordid sexual messages that had had nothing to do with Jack’s present and were more to do with the two of them teasing each other. This had obviously led to the Doctor not caring where his clothing ended up and how many creases there would be in his suit when he got into bed. He had had other things on his mind at the time.

He located clean clothes and was about to start dressing when he realised that Jack was still watching him appreciatively, looking hopeful that the Doctor would abandon the idea of getting dressed and get back into bed, preferably with Jack in bed with him. While the idea was very tempting, the alarm was still going off outside, and Mfanwy was starting to make a rather disgruntled amount of noise to voice her displeasure at being disturbed for so long.

“Don’t you have a team to rouse?” he asked, shooing Jack out the door. He heard the human grumbling to Owen as he walked down the corridor. “You’d think, given that it’s my birthday…”

“Yes and from what I hear about Torchwood parties and strip games you’ll get what you want,” the Doctor mumbled as he dressed. That and the present that me and Ianto have in store for him…Jack would consider it worth the wait.


Anyone who wants to see the convo that the Doctor and Ianto had via text message (or at least the bit that is strictly Ten/Ianto porn and has nothing to do with the plot of the story) will have to request it and then wait for me to write it!

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