Just some fluff

Sep 14, 2008 11:46

Title: Of Trees and Other Things.
Summary: Jack opens his mouth, with unexpected results.
Rating: PG… If you squint.
Pairing: Jack/Doctor…. And sort of implied Ianto being thrown in there too.
A/N: I got bored yesterday and started scribbling this down… it sort of manifested into something cute. Pure fluff fic…
Disclaimer: I would love to own them, but I suspect if I did, Doctor Who would not be a family show. There would be way too much Porn!


“ - And there were these trees, fantastic things they were! Brilliantly coloured. Burgundy trunks with every variation of yellow, orange and red you could think of. Really beau - ”

“I’ve fallen in love with you,” Jack interrupted, his words tumbling out of his mouth in a rush. He hadn’t even intended to say them. He’d meant to ask if the Doctor had a picture of these trees, or if they could go and have a look at them one day.

Now there was a look of utter astonishment on the Doctor’s face. Jack would have been impressed at his ability to render the Doctor speechless, if it wasn’t for the fact that those words had been the ones that did it. He was at a loss for words, which never happened to the Time Lord, not ever, unless, it seemed, Jack declared he loved him.

The Doctor opened and closed his mouth, looking a bit like a fish as he did so, seemingly unsure what the appropriate response to such a statement was. Jack’s eyes widened in horror.

“I can’t believe I just said that,” he said, his voice a little hoarse as his mouth went dry. He was suddenly glad that his office door was shut as he and the Doctor drank their proffered caffinated beverages while the Tardis recharged.

The Doctor found his voice. “You…you love… me?” He didn’t sound as if the notion was unpleasant, more… unexpected. Jack wasn’t sure if this was to be taken as an encouraging sign or not. He decided not.

“Forget I ever said anything, honest - ” Jack averted his eyes, looking at the piece of coral sitting innocently on his desk.

He felt a hand on his cheek, tilting his face back towards the Doctor. He looked up just in time to see The Doctor leaning across the desk. Just in time to see his face inches from Jack’s own. Just in time to see those inches become millimetres, and then nothing as the Doctor’s lips tentatively brushed his own, testing the waters.

Jack let his eyes slip closed; bring one of his hands up to card through the Doctor’s soft hair. He kissed back, a sweet kiss that made both of them gasp.

“I love you too.” The whispered words washed over Jack’s ears as the Gallifrayan’s lips ghosted over his.

“Thought you didn’t do domestic,” Jack breathed, not daring to open his eyes for fear he was dreaming.

“That was before I loved you.”

They kissed again, more passionately, with a lot of tongue, teeth clashing with the desperateness of it. But it was perfect, for all it ‘s awkwardness, because it was them, after so long denying and waiting. They needed each other so much, because this was what they had been wanting for so long. It was everything it should be. Full of fire and passion and want and need and love, lust skittering in as the Doctor climbed onto the desk, kneeling on it as he clutched one hand into Jack’s hair and the other at the back of his neck. Jack’s hands clutched at his suit jacket and slipping under his shirt as it came loose from his trousers.

The Doctor moaned softly as Jack’s hand splayed across his chest, feeling his dual heartbeat as his hearts pounded in his chest to Jack’s one, all beating in perfect rhythm, which amplified the feeling and intensity of their frantic, impassioned kiss.

So much so that they almost missed the office door opening and Ianto and Gwen’s joint shocked gasps, followed by “I shouldn’t find that as hot as I do right?” from Ianto. So much so that when the Doctor’s tea got knocked off the desk and Ianto swore, they noticed but didn’t care. So much so that when Mickey came up to find out what all the fuss was about and exclaimed loudly that he was going to be sick, Jack flipped him the finger, but didn’t break the kiss. He heard his team leave and the door close, and briefly wondered when the Doctor had become brazen enough to snog him while kneeling on his desk while they had an audience, but found he didn’t care.

When the kiss finally broke, because they needed the oxygen more than anything else, their foreheads rested against each other as their heaving breathing became the only sound in the room, aside from their wildly beating hears. Jack’s thumb gently caressed the Doctor’s neck, while the Doctor smiled softly, still kneeling on the desk.

“So… Your bit of Welsh gorgeousness enjoyed that did he?” The Doctor’s voice was jovial.

“Oh yes. He’s asked me before what kind of kisser you were. I had to tell him I didn’t know. He wasn’t impressed. Most disappointed,” Jack replied, grinning.

The Doctor turned serious. “I meant it you know. I wasn’t just saying it because you did. I love you.”

Jack nodded, capturing the Doctor’s lips in a chaste but heated kiss. “I know. I felt it.”

“There’s more where that came from.” The Doctor still hadn’t moved off the desk and Jack’s hand was still under his shirt, feeling his hearts slow to their normal samba rhythm.

“Good, because I can’t get enough of you.” Jack leaned in and kissed the Doctor again, making a mental note to chide his team for moving the four CCTV cameras that were now point into his office, but not without giving them a show.


It was just a bit of cuteness. Not even sure I like bits of it, but I like it overall so that’s fine!

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