(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 10:51

Title: Settle Down
Summary: Rose re-iterates a point she made years before on an impossible planet as her and her human Doctor wait for her dad.
Pairing: Rose/Doctor
A/N: moment of madness that begged to be written.


As they strolled along the beach, the Doctor grumbled. “I’m going to have to settle down! Stay in one place! Well, one planet, suppose I could travel around Earth… but… where am I meant to live? Of course I say “I” I mean “we”… but…” The Doctor grumbled away a bit more to himself, while Rose smiled and waited for the right moment. “We’re going to have to get a house or something! A proper house! Can you imagine me living in a house? With doors and carpets?”

“You’re going to have to get a mortgage,” she said in the same singsong voice she had used last time they’d had the “Doctor living in a house” conversation.

“I meant it when I said my life was over and I was going to die.” His smile gave him away, he remembered the last time, and how she had said, “being stuck with you, that’s not so bad.” And how he’d smiled in response in a sort of sweet way, because he adored her, and being stuck with her wasn’t so bad either, if she’d have him.

“Tell you what. We’ll get a mortgage. Together,” Rose said, linking her arm with his.

“Still all over. But being stuck with you. That’s not so bad.” He said, smiling as the sound of a helicopter interrupted the peace.


It wanted writing. It really did. I wrote it a while ago, on paper, and then found it last night, and its been poking around in my brain ever since, trying to find a way into my computer, so I thought I would save it the trouble!

Feedback for the plot bunnies and me is love!

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