just crack!fic.... really... maybe a little fluffy near the end.

Sep 14, 2008 14:52

Title: There are certain things we need to keep in the archives.
Summary: Ianto wants more than a pay rise.
Rating: PG-13 for bad language and innuendo
A/N: If I owned them I wouldn’t need fan-fic. Set just after end of TWS2 but before DWS4 finale.


It was freezing. It was pouring with rain and blowing a gale. The sewers off Cardiff were flooded and Jack, Gwen and Ianto were running around getting soaking wet chasing weevils.

Ianto had long ago dispensed with his tie and suit jacket, as they were unsuitable for the task and generally made matters worse. (Jack’s comment had been that he looked good with wet clothes anyway, as they showed off his body. Ianto had rolled his eyes.) Jack’s heavy wool greatcoat had slowed him down by weighing a ton when soaked through, so that too had been shoved into the back of the SUV. Rhys was sat in the SUV using their trackers to pin point the weevils and give the team directions and street names. When they caught anything, he would get into his company lorry and drive to them to pick it up. The van was starting to fill up. They might need to a make a stop at the Hub soon to empty it into the cells.

He had been given a blue tooth device to communicate with the team, and so far had heard a lot of background whinging about the weather, Jack promising to warm Ianto up later, and threats from both Welsh members of the team involving finding a way of passing on hypothermia.

“Ok, I’ve had enough. Can we go now?” Gwen’s exhausted voice sounded in his ear.

“Rhys, please tell me there are no more blips on that screen.” Ianto’s pleading voice followed.

“Sorry guys, you’re in for a long night,” Rhys replied, “There’s another forty odd at least and more keep popping up.”

Groans greeted his reply, along with some colourful Welsh curses.

“Oh come on! Suck it up!” Jack said light heartedly, “It could be worse.”

“”Oh God Jack! There is no plausible way that this could get any worse,” Gwen snapped.

A crack of thunder followed almost immediately by a flash of lightning put an end to her statement.

“Great. Fucking brilliant.” Angry sarcasm spat from her.

“Ok Rhys, can you bring the truck? We’ve got a couple more. Then we’ll head back to the Hub, unload, pause to change and drink hot coffee and then it’s back of out for the rest of them,” Jack said cheerfully.

Rhys got out of the SUV and locked it, getting into the cabin of his lorry as Ianto spoke.

“You do not pay us enough for this Harkness,” he said dryly.


Once the weevils were in the cells, the team changed into dry cloths and Ianto made coffee.

“Ianto, you are an angel,” Gwen gushed, accepting her cup gratefully.

They all sat huddled on the couch for warmth, Gwen curled up between Jack and Rhy, with Ianto on Jack’s other side.

“I really hate British weather,” Gwen grumbled.

“I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say ‘hear here’,” Ianto replied, shuffling a little closer to Jack and shivering.

“And just think, we get to go back out in it in five minutes,” Jack reminded them, sipping his coffee and wrapping his free arm around Ianto, who snuggled into his side.

“Not unless you have something akin to pocket warmers in the archives,” Gwen mumbled quietly.

“Nope. I looked before we went out the first time,” Ianto said miserably, “I’m going to put them on the kit requisition list tomorrow.”

“Good. We need them.”

“Don’t worry Ianto. I’ll warm you up when we’re done,” Jack chuckled, kissing the top of Ianto’s head.

“Not if I’ve frozen my bollocks off first.”


Complete randomness.
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