Jan 18, 2006 01:06
im still not really in the mood to update, but Tom, Mr. 'Zomg i am liek sooo excited that i get SIX icons now, even though i never POST OR COMMENT to use them' (i <3 you btw!) is complaining that i havent. so heeeere you go.
On Saturday Tom had a super-belated birthday party for himself, during which i got very drunk & SANG in public, out loud, with a MICROPHONE. *shudder* we were playing Karaoke Revolution, & this is how badly i sing - i was the only one (besides ppl who were singing nonsense or something) who FAILED SONGS. the game was like, no, you suck. stop, please. LOL. then the next day i woke up feeling hung over (last time i was drunk? 2004.), and remembered why i dont drink b/c then the inevitable morning-after-drinking MIGRAINE hit me and my head felt like it was filled with liquor sloshing around in there, & it was like if i moved too much, my very full, heavy head might roll off my body. i had had a LOT to drink though, so im really not surprised (im off all my drugs now, so my tolerance is back ftw). luckily another hour of sleep kicked the nausea, and Excedrin kicked the headache. i KNOOOW im seriously not supposed to drink AT ALL b/c of my migraines. but we made really kick-ass punch & i liiiked it. so sue me. :)
i am not posting pictures from the party b/c i look so ugly in them all. !!!AWFUL!!! i am pale as fuck, & not in the elegant Legolas kind of way, & i need a haircut like whoa apparently. my (majorly faded) red highlights still look cool, but even my layers (which were supposed to give my hair 'shape') just kind of LAY there. i kind of want to go short, but inevitably i will wish i had long hair like a week later & then hate myself for cutting it. plus short hair makes me look about twelve and a half. im thisclose to taking scissors to it myself though..it really looks bad.
anyway during the party, apparently NJ was hit with this major downpour windy hurricane blizzard ice storm thing that Tom & i had no clue was coming (lol). ppl were getting to the party covered in rain, then sleet, then snow. outside the wind was SO LOUD. Tom's car doors got iced shut. first it just fucking rained forever, then everything got coated with ice, THEN covered with a few inches of snow, so it was just this awful gross mixture the next day. and here the two of us are, like 'how did the weather ppl not SEE THIS COMING?!', when really we just dont pay attn. hahahaha
i got to babysitting today & there is this HUGE ASS 20-foot piece of TREE (like it broke off in the middle of the trunk, not a branch) leaning right up against the house. apparently it broke during the wind storm & fell on the dining room, shattering one of the picture windows. Ryan said it was the loudest thing he'd ever heard, & his mom thought it was a twister cause she used to live in the midwest, lol, & made them all go in the basement. i hope they dont clear it off by tomorrow b/c im so posting a picture of it.
wow. for someone who doesnt feel like updating, i sure can run my mouth. lol
life update