The Internet

Oct 20, 2008 15:35

Hello cyber-truth seeker. Today I'd like to talk on the subject of our Internet. You may not realize this, but there is a huge conspiracy out there to misinform the People. For every web page that you look at as truth, there is a web page that espouses something different. What this does is degrade the knowledge base of our society. It sows disinformation and weaves fiction in with reality.

The truth must be dissected from the dross of fantasy. It must be heralded as the constant upon which all things should be based. To that end, the New World Order will introduce the Group for the Use of Internet Design & Enlightenment, GUIDE. As GUIDE's name suggests, they will exist to ensure that all content released to the populace is secure and true.

No more wondering, "Did this guy check his facts before publishing?" or reading a news article and thinking, "I wonder what the real story is?" You can instead be assured that every thing you read is true!

The other benefit to this will be an uncensored, child-friendly experience, as children will have safe access to every piece of information on the Internet. Pornography will become a thing of the past. No content shall be distributed or published without the express consent of GUIDE.

Any web publisher caught without the seal of GUIDE, will be subject to severe fines and content review. If the review of the contents passes the standards of GUIDE, the web page will be affixed with the appropriate certification and will be reviewed on a weekly basis for. If said content is found to be lacking or incorrect in any manner, several necessary steps will then be taken.

The offending web page will be removed immediately from public view. A banner advertisement of apology will be placed in its stead so that all who have navigated to the website will now know that the contents that were listed there were erroneous. Heavy fines and penalties will be laden upon the publisher for attempting to deceive the public. Further attempts to publish will be severely limited and monitored by the courts. Repeat offenders & hackers who propagate mis-truths via the Internet will, of course, be subject to imprisonment.

But this is not a one-sided task. We will need everyone's help to eradicate falsifications on the Internet. If you find yourself asking any of the questions I mentioned above, or feel uncertain as to whether you are reading the truth, contact GUIDE immediately to rectify the situation. Once GUIDE has affixed its seal of approval to every web page, you will fully enjoy the benefits and the truth, of the New World way of life.
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