Our Children

Oct 17, 2008 06:27

Last post, we discussed the benefits inherent in returning women to their rightful place, home and hearth. Next, allow me to turn your attention to the issue of caring for those children whose parents are inadequate to the task of caring and molding their own children.

We all know of families which are damaged beyond the ability of the parents or any other family member to repair. The children of these families turn to crime and other anti-social behaviors, in an effort to find their place in the world and to find a familial unit which gives them the stability and structure that every child so desperately needs.

It is useless to engage in debate as to the root cause of this type of family breakdown. The causes are well-documented: the rise of divorce rates, both parents working outside of the home, and, in the case of single-parent homes, lack of appropriate after-school care.

The concept of welfare, as it currently exists, only exacerbates the problem. The idea of our federal tax money going to pay single mothers who continue to breed is ludicrous. Under the New World system, single women who continue to have children outside of the stability of marriage will be given a birth control implant until such a time as they marry. After marriage, the implant will be removed after a period of time that adequately demonstrates to society that both parties are willing to do the work necessary to ensure that their union survives.

In cases of divorce, there will be no more child-damaging joint custody. If the parents cannot work out their difficulties, they will be allowed to divorce. However, their children, rather than be bounced back and forth between two single-parent homes, will be removed to a state-run home. In these homes, education and moral growth will be carefully overseen by a trained staff. The children will receive counseling which will assist them in overcoming the grief and rage caused by the dissolution of their parents' marriage.

In the event that a divorced parent wishes to re-marry, custody of the children from the prior marriage will remain with the state. Any children conceived in the new union, will of course, be left in the care of the parents. If one of the parties involved is re-marrying, he or she will be implanted with birth control for a period which will give them the chance to prove that this union will last.

This brings us to the painful topic of child abuse. If any parent, regardless of marital status, causes physical or emotional abuse, both parents will be sterilized and the children will be taken to a state-run home, where they will receive counseling for their trauma. Please note: both parents will be sterilized-- both the active abuser and the passive party who allowed the abuse to go unreported. If, however, one party reports the abuse, he or she will be allowed a divorce and will be implanted with birth control for a period of time to be determined by the courts.

It is essential that we take whatever steps necessary to protect the most helpless members of our society, our children. These steps may seem drastic, but we cannot deny our children the peace and love that come with the New World way of life!

violence, children

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