
Oct 25, 2008 13:49

Today, we will return to the topic of our children and how best to prepare them to take their place in the New World way of life!

For a child to be productive and properly educated, it is essential that we entirely rethink our educational system. Teaching is the lowest-paid job requiring a college education. Is it proper that those most directly involved in molding our children be the lowest-paid professionals in the country?

Adding to the difficulties facing our teachers are such inane things as the No Child Left Behind act, which ensures that no child receives adequate one-on-one attention. Teachers are expected to comply with this act, are legally required to follow these guidelines, yet no training or resources are provided for their own education. Is it any wonder that our children are falling behind?

Until the New World is fully established, the most obvious solution is to remove our children from the public educational system and assure them of proper education within our homes. Those who fear for the lack of socialization of home-schooled children may rest easy. There are many organizations that provide networking for homeschooling parents and social opportunities for their children.

As the New World spreads, we will establish our own schools. Our school days will be slightly shorter than those currently dictated by federal guidelines. Studies have shown that lengthening school days provides no educational benefit, and, indeed, may be detrimental to our children.

Following the guidelines set by the Japanese, school will be held year-round. The time teachers are forced to spend reviewing concepts at the beginning of the year will be gone. Children will be given a two-week vacation every 2 months, which allows for more than enough time off without running into the issue of forgetting the lessons learned during the year.

The No Child Left Behind Act, one of the most ineffective pieces of educational legislature ever to be passed, will be eliminated once the New World has established control of the education. Here is New World plan for dealing with the issue of differentiated learning.

It is a proven fact that different people learn in different ways. Some children learn best when listening to a lecture, some by reading a book and still others prefer projects or activities. New World educators will be properly trained to best serve the learning style of each child under his or her guidance.

It is also a fact, albeit an unfortunate one, that some children simply do not have the mental capacity to learn beyond a certain level. These children, in traditional learning situations, become frustrated and angry when the differences between them and their classmates become clear. They often cause disruption among the children-- an issue which teachers now are hard-pressed to deal with. This damages the educational opportunities of the entire classroom.

The facts of this are clear, yet the liberal-minded leaders of our country refuse to accept this as a problem. They insist that every child can learn, ut they refuse to understand that not every child is capable of learning at the same rate. It is essential that each child be tested thoroughly, to determine which educational path he or she should follow and which skills they have to offer.

Children who test well artistically will be given training in the general arts until such a time as a strong preference for one form of artistic expression becomes evident. Children who exhibit a preference for physical activities will be given every opportunity to find their ideal outlet and can lead the country in athletic excellence. Those students who excel in maths or science can be given teaching and educational assistance from the brightest and best in those fields.

But we also must deal with those children who cannot be taught enough to contribute to society. Of course, these children must be treated humanely and given every chance to improve themselves. However, it is a physical and biological fact that some children, such as those with genetic birth defects, cannot be expected to reach the same heights of brilliance as their more fortunate peers. These children must be given what skills they can in vocational training centers.

Many of these children can never hope to hold an equal place in society. They will become angry and discouraged. This is why parents who have produced one such child must not be allowed to continue producing children. All children must have a chance to be healthy and fully contributing members of the New World way of life.

education, children

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