Mod Post - Two Important Announcements

Aug 24, 2006 23:13

Hey everyone, I just have a few announcements to make. The first is regarding entries about Dirge of Cerberus. For those of you who might not know, the English version of Dirge of Cerberus has been released since August 15, and many posts regarding the new game has been flying around other communities. I am very pleased to say that this community (compared to others) has hardly any problems went it comes to spoiler warnings. So I don’t think I’ll have to go on and on about how important spoiler warnings are for Dirge of Cerberus. If you are tempted to post about it, that is fine by me. In fact I encourage it! I’d love to read people’s thoughts regarding DOC, just be sure it’s behind an lj-cut. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

My final announcement regards my time on Live Journal during College time. Judging from my schedule, it looks like I’ll only be able to update on Tuesdays, some Thursdays and Saturdays. So I guess that isn’t too bad, but I won’t be able to update allot like I have been during the summer. Nevertheless, I shall post to this community at least once or twice a week; I know I can do it. It has been a great summer for this community, and it’s all thanks to you loyal and awesome members. We’ve had some very deep discussions that can not be found on other Final Fantasy communities, and the very thought makes me proud. Despite the times our various views clash, none of us have ever lost respect for each other, and that is why I like and deeply respect this community so much, along with the many individuals in it. Although school time is around the corner, I’m positive this community will remain quite active, and will always be here for future debates and whatnot. Once again, thank you ALL so much for your contributions, and may we continue to have awesome discussions as this community grows and grows.

With that said, the Mods of new_shinra87 (neo-rufus and nosignalinput) would like to wish all of those who are returning to School/University a very safe, and successful year. And we would also like to encourage everybody to make their dreams a reality!

You’re Mods:

neo-rufus - President
nosignalinput - Vice President

future discussions, mods, respect, doc, end of summer, announcements, members, spoiler warnings, dirge of cerberus, giving thanks

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