entry from 30-10-02

Oct 01, 2002 10:46

Oh, i managed to call that "tiltan" - college today. It seems, that althought they're offering a 4-year course, i won't get any degree. Bah. I don't feel like learning 4 years for nothing. anyway, so i'm breaking my head again with that Hyper-annoying bezalel.co.il - site. I want to know what a portfolio has got to contain to get into visual media department. Everybody seems so disorganized. I left a message in their forum. Some Students seems to be quite dissatisfied with that department. Well, anyway, i got very upset and angry at the whole thing again. I don't know, i guess it's that fear that makes me all angsy and nasty. Fear of (what?)... fear of change, maybe. I don't know. There's also some academy southern to Tel-aviv, but they demand (apparently) that i'll go through the torture of psychometry. No thanks. So the only good thing that happened meanwhile was 1. I deconstructed the Sukkah. I did it alone at the hottest time of the day and with my black shirt on. I'm soo tough. I rule. I own Sukkot. The holidays are over, Baruch hashem. (...now G0d hates me). Second good thing was that i got a very quick appointment with my former school's principle to talk about my final's marks and if i had something else to accomplish except Sports (that's right, i didn't do sports. I was asleep when the sports final's were on).
Ok, i'm gonna drive over to Jerusalem. I don't really feel like, but i'm still doing it. Yeah, i know that doesn't sound nice.
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