Fanfic - Ace Attorney: Maze of Relationships

Dec 31, 2009 09:16

For miss_prince!

Prompt: Ema+Lana, sisterly bonding around AJ time

"Okay, so let me get this straight," Ema said, raising her hands in front of her face. The night had worn on by now, almost the whole bottle of wine drained between the two sisters as they sat in the bar, gentle piano music - Ema had grimaced when a certain song came on, sending a glare so potent at the pianist that he'd immediately changed off 'that fop's ridiculous excuse for music' - filtering through the room as the two talked. Ema raised her glass again, stared at it, then set it down in thought.

"Apollo met Maya about four weeks ago, and they've been on enough dates to call it a relationship by now. Right?"

"That's right," Lana nodded, entirely more demure as she sipped at her wine. "They seem very happy. Mister Justice is very much in love."

"And Phoenix got back in touch with Miss Andrews three months ago, and now they're dating." Ema's cheeks seemed rather flushed to Lana's eyes, but she didn't say anything. She knew when her sister had had too much, and they weren't at that point yet. This was the point where she just talked a lot. It was quite entertaining, if she were to be entirely honest. "I really wouldn't have seen that one coming. The way Miss von Karma talks about defeating him, I figured she would've jumped him ages ago."

"Language, Ema," Lana said. "But yes, that's correct. Trucy approves of her, too."

"And Trucy!" Ema's arm swung wide, almost catching a nervous young man who was approaching in the face, instead knocking his megaphone far away in a skittering line. He shrieked and ran after it. "She's dating that...what was his name again?"

"I'm afraid I don't know." Another sip of wine, pleasantly pooling warm in her stomach. "He seems very taken with her, though."

"Yeah, yeah, he does. Poor kid panicked at his first murder scene, though," Ema murmured, stilling as she reached for her wine again, taking a long drink. Lana watched her, thoughts entirely her own as her sister let out a satisfied sigh. "And...well, everyone knows about Detective Gumshoe and Maggey."

"Mm," Lana nodded. "Due to be married next year, if I recall correctly?"

"Right!" she said. "I think that's all...except whatever bimbo that fop's dating now, but no-one cares about that."

Lana swirled her wine around in her glass, casting her eyes up again, faintly amused. She really did treasure these times with her sister, giving quiet thanks again that they had stayed so close. Her life would be so dull without Ema. "And the point of this, Ema? You mentioned one earlier."

"Oh! That. Right." She drained the rest of her glass, setting it down. "I'm dating Iris. Figured I should let you know."

The fine red wine made an extremely graceful arc as it spurted out of Lana's mouth, spattering beautifully all over Edgeworth's shirt as he approached. No-one spoke for several moments until Edgeworth cleared his throat, Franziska coming up behind him with a wide smirk.

"...perhaps I had better come back later."

Ema dissolved into hysterics. The night had just begun.

writing: fanfic, fandom: apollo justice, fandom: phoenix wright

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