Fanfic - Ace Attorney: Opportunity

Dec 31, 2009 09:14

Okay so I was kind of drunk while writing this one and the next one. So if anything seems overtly sexual, well...too bad for you! :D

For coranglaisman!

Prompt: Hobo!Nick/older!Lana, chance encounter after both have left

The man in that dingy restaurant surely couldn't be him.

She had just been passing by, not really looking where she was going - law hadn't entirely turned its back on her, not after all she'd done to benefit, but Head Prosecutor was not a title she would ever earn back - being on important business as she was, but something had caused her to stop. Perhaps it was the angle of his shoulders, the posture he held himself with below that nondescript hoodie, that oddly bright beanie. Perhaps it was the smile she half-caught, passing by the plate-glass window, as someone in a suit talked rather loudly at him.

Lana looked a moment more, then decided to go in. He glanced up as she entered, the other man not stopping his berating, and that was all the confirmation she needed. She would never forget those eyes.


The man only yelled louder - his nametag identified him as the manager of the restaurant - as Phoenix turned away from him, breaking out into a pleased smile as he approached, hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets. He had stubble. Phoenix Wright had stubble.

"Lana," he said. "It's been too long."

"It has," she agreed, looking up at him. He was still so tall, so proud. "I'm...sorry to hear about what happened. They were wrong."

"I shouldn't have done it," he said, noncomittally. "It's in the past."

Lana brushed some hair behind her ear; he'd matured admirably, all worldly experience and strength. She considered him out of that hoodie - and promptly mentally scolded herself - and in a nice, simple black suit. He didn't seem right without a suit.

"Ema tells me you have a daughter now?" she asked. The pair stepped out of the middle of the lobby, moving out onto the street. The manager's indignant shouts went unheard. Phoenix nodded, leaning up against the tree with an indifferent glance that he could never have pulled off all those years ago.

"Trucy. Light of my life." Phoenix paused, quirked a smirk again, looking down at her. Lana was quietly thankful that she was still in her smart clothes from her job. "I understand now."

"About?" Lana murmured. It just seemed right to move in, a step closer.

"Ema," Phoenix replied. It also seemed right when he shifted up off the bench he was leaning against, hands slipping out of his pockets. "Didn't need to back then, but I understand now. Would've done the same."

"Ah," Lana said, and that seemed to be all that needed to be said. "Good."

It was a minute or so before their lips parted, Lana letting out a rush of breath all at once.

" place isn't far."


A clasp of hands, a rustle of fabric, and then everything seemed perfect until the next morning. Sunlight hit her eyes hard - perhaps they'd been too energetic - as she awoke, the other form heavy in her bed beside her.

The creaking of her bedroom door opening was almost a death sentence.

"Hey, Lana, are you・

"Ema? Don't-!"

"Wh- Phoenix?!"

The smirk came back. The beanie slid on. Phoenix offered a smile to Lana, then to Ema, standing stock-still in the doorway with...was that? Yes, it appeared to be a bugeyed Apollo behind her.

"Morning," Phoenix said, conversationally. "Coffee?"

The morning dissolved into screaming. Lana decided to just go back to sleep.

writing: fanfic, fandom: apollo justice, fandom: phoenix wright

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