May 21, 2007 15:51
Short version:
We've let go our midwives and are receiving a refund for what we've overpaid.
We're having an unassisted birthing experience, and we're both thrilled about it!
I realize there are many people who want, and will want, to talk us out of this, but.... it's doesn't matter.
Birthing in a hospital is not normal. When did it become normal?
When did birthing in the comfort of your own home, with your supportive husband by your side, or a loving family member, become SOO crazy!?
My body is MADE to birth. A cat doesn't need help birthing her litter. She doesn't ask us to intervene. She finds a secluded place, and does it on her own.
I don't need a doctor or midwife to tell me when to push, or how to position myself. My body can labor on its own. It can birth on its own. I've done plenty of research, and am well educated in my choice.