I wanted to make a place (besides on my browser) to post some of the links that have been helpful to me during this pregnancy, in making specific choices and preparing for birth. So, here's the list- feel free to add your own suggestions!
Great Positions for Laboring
A slide presentation by the Mayo Clinic. Woman is a drawing, not a real photo of a woman.
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/labor/PR00141&slide=1 Photos of a woman in presented positions, with a bit of information about each position.
http://pregnancy.about.com/od/laborbasics/ss/laborpositions.htm Lamaze.com's video of "a normal birth", featuring some great positions for laboring.
http://www.lamaze.org/ExpectantParents/PregnancyandBirthResources/WatchaNormalBirth/tabid/183/Default.aspx Unassisted Childbirth
http://www.unassistedchildbirth.com/ http://www.unassistedhomebirth.com/ http://www.christianuc.com/index.php http://www.purebirth-australia.com/ http://www.empoweredchildbirth.com/ http://www.unhinderedliving.com/ (has a UC link)
Materials for UC
http://gentlebirth.org/archives/homeopathy.html http://www.inhishands.com/ You can also google "unassisted childbirth", "unassisted birth", "unhindered birth" and see what you get. There are loads of birth stories out there, some with photos!