May 25, 2007 20:05
Pissing livejournal buggered up for me for two weeks. I would try and get on and it would just time out, I did a trace and there was a problem once it hit the sixapart servers. What pissed me off even more is that the day before I bought six months worth of paid time. POS.
I swear there is not enough hours in the day. Both Dan and I have been flat out recently with various projects and Declan has reflux so we're both working on very little sleep.
Trust me to get a defective baby, I want to insist that there was a mixup in the hospital, but the kid is the spit out of his Dad's mouth. We took him back to the doctor today as what he had previously prescribed (baby gaviscon) wasn't helping in the slightest. It basically comes down to if he's awake he's crying, if he's just eaten he's crying even louder, and he doesn't want to eat because it hurts him too much so he cries because he's hungry. I've got him eating again properly, but it still leaves him a sobbing mess which is just horrible to watch. Today we came away with a referral for a pediatrician at Westmead Children's Hospital who will be able to prescribe actual drugs to deal with it instead of just suppressants, so hopefully things will become easier then.
I suddenly understand why people take babymoons now, I'm kicking myself for not having one. All I want now is a break but I don't feel comfortable leaving Declan alone with anyone, not even for a few hours, let alone a couple of days.
Lame post. brain hurts.