seems to align (this week at least)

Apr 27, 2008 13:39

Fit & Healthy

It's time to take a closer look at your health and overall well-being, Alli, and to upgrade your daily fitness routine. If you don't have one, then now is a good time to make a start. You may want to look into ways of exercising that will bring you the most benefits. Do the same for your diet as well. Discipline is the key, as it may be all too easy to give into temptation and give up too easily. Start slowly and build up, and soon it will become a way of life. At work, you are focused on getting the message across in whatever way is appropriate. Meetings go well on Monday, so try to book any important appointments for this time. Tuesday is not quite so hot, as there are confusing factors which may get in the way of true clarity and arguments may occur as a result. Venus moves into Taurus on Wednesday, which may encourage you to eat more and give way to temptation when you can't really afford to do so. Saturn turns direct in your career zone on Friday, which means that after backtracking for some time, you can now make progress once again. You may find it hard to resist making one compulsive purchase, even if it is for wholly practical reasons.

I find this entertaining - I have been calorie counting & launching dietary changes & new extra exercise classes this last week & hope to stick to the new dietary changes next week - forward (failed to keep to it last week, but only minor parital failures) - and then my weeklty astrology is all about that.

Plus work: where I have just changed roles & it's _finally_ coming out of the stagnent mess I inherited and starting to take a good (read: Logical) shape to the process and how we implement minor web portal changes & intake - all good change - slowing down ? Sounds fine to me- it's been a whirlwind.

And the "practical but compulsive Friday purchase"? I'd say I could call my appointment I made last week with my hair stylist just that ;) it's set for Friday - finally my hair will hopefully look good again! :P compulsive? I don't know I planned it out - but then it's hair & style, which is always an "extra" in my books - anyhow people usually "see what aligns" in these astrology/memes. I don't plan to move any more meetings to Monday and I have meetings everyday so that part seems rather "wahtever" and I take everything with a grain of salt, eh? :D

classes, diet, exercise, work

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