Either way the cookie ends up crumbling, I'm going to be leaving the evening of this Friday, the 23rd. That gives me three days. Holy shit, three days - putting it that way really makes it seem short! Honestly, this is going to be really interesting to be able to get this all done. Between now and then, this is a short list of things remaining, in no particular order:
- pack
- do laundry
- clean this absolute epitome of a hellhole
- plan the rest of this week's lessons
- pay my rent
- wire some money home (might not happen)
- make sure I'm all set with transportation to the airport
- tie up loose ends at work
- prepare the apartment for the holiday
- write xmas cards
- write new years' cards for friends over here (probably not happening)
- write new years' cards for students (has to happen)
- practice some more for Friday's party/performance
- finish xmas shopping
I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but this post is also getting way too long. I'm also in a world of confusion in my own head, but as always that's for another post at another time. If anyone's really interested to know what's going on, all I say is you might know sometime. I don't think I can sort it out well enough to put it into words right now.
Yesterday I managed to do a little laundry and gather most of the trash laying about, and today I got a haircut and lunch. And I just need a break for a little bit, so I'm going to play a game for a little while and go to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. I think I'm going to try to get up at 8 to run to the station and pick up a ticket. I should really get up at 6, but I don't know if my body can take it. I might set an alarm to try though. Hoo boy.
I hereby apologize to all of you out there for my mental state this week. I'm crazy enough just thinking about everything, but add the lack of sleep...
And as a quick side note, being interested in someone who has a boyfriend can't be a good thing. Probably shouldn't have told the public that just in case, but I guess I may as well have no secrets.