Dec 21, 2005 01:01
I never thought it would really be an issue, so I didn't think too much about it until lately. Actually I didn't think about it at all until yesterday. I don't leave Japan until 12:00 but my first flight is 8:30 out of 伊丹空港 (Itami Airport). You'd think this wouldn't be a problem, but I happen to be singing in a band at a xmas party on the 23rd at 7:00, so I need enough time after that to sing and get to the station to leave. I would think there'd be really late and really early busses for people that, oh, say, have a flight to catch or something. But no. The late bus is too early to be useful and the early bus the next morning is too late to catch my flight. Stared at a bunch of timetables tonight to figure that one out. I checked another couple sites and finally found a series of trains that would work, and now I'm hoping to get a seat. Have to wait until tomorrow morning to take my ass down to the station to check. I should be ok because I doubt people will take that train since it's an overnighter from 九州 (Kyushu) in the middle of a three-day weekend. Basically I'm going to take the last train from here to 岡山 (Okayama), then kill 4 hours there and take the train and subsequently a bus to the airport. Once I get this ticket tomorrow for that train, I shouldn't run into problems, but I'm anxious to get my hands on that ticket. No seat means I'm going to have to come up with something else, either stupidly expensive, miraculous, or leaving the night before (meaning I can't do the band, which will get many people angry and cause many many problems). Needless to say, I'm tempted to get to the station at 4 when it opens, "just in case". Although it is 1 now...
Next time I'll pay more attention to things like this.