Behold, I am a true prophet...

Apr 30, 2020 19:45

... though I didn't expect to be proved such so soon.

Not fully, of course. That will only happen after the world (or at least Britain, since other places show signs of coming to their senses) has dissolved into economic ruin.

I proposed a headline for New Scientist: SCIENTISTS RESIST 'SCAPEGOATING' OVER DEADLY LOCKDOWN ADVICE. Now behold a paragraph from the current edition of that very magazine:

Politicians are stressing that their policies are built on the advice of experts, even when so much about the coronavirus is still uncertain or unknown, in order to give people more confidence in government measures., However, the danger is that this could set those experts up as scapegoats should these steps ultimately prove ineffective.

A danger, eh? I should have thought that they thoroughly deserved to be scapegoated when their 'advice' has reduced half the world's population to gibbering zombies in concentration camps. And I should be most happy to throw the first stone when that murderous idiot Ferguson is driven out into the wilderness. It will be bad luck on the wilderness, though.

The prison ship isn't even sinking yet, but the rats are already making plans to leave it.
Verily I am a true prophet. Watch this space.
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