Sanity is not statistical

May 03, 2020 15:25

My learned readers will recognise this as a quote from 1984. It's what Winston Smith says to himself as he contemplates the deluded nitwits around him who believe anything that the Party wants them to believe.

By God, that fits just now. Most of the zombies who now inhabit this country make Orwell's stupefied masses look like a bunch of Einsteins. Those of us who remain sane are definitely in a minority, and a small one at that.

But sanity is not statistical. Even if you are the only sane person on the planet - and it can feel like that sometimes - you are not insane and you are not wrong.

I am sane, and your, dear blogger, are presumably sane as well or you would not be reading this. And there are more of us about than you might think, though you have to look for them.

That's why it is so cheering to find that Simon Dolan is seeking a judicial review of the insane incarceration measures that were rushed on to us. That's why it felt good to contribute to his crowdfunding scheme. (Find him on Twitter, or on I don't know if he really needs the money - he is said to have lots, though it may all be tied up in his business - but to contribute feels like doing something, and that's the essence of it. Whether the review will work out, nobody knows, but even if nothing comes of it, it's still worthwhile. If the case were proved, the Government would presumably have to compensate each and every person who has suffered a loss from the incarceration ...what a thought!!!!

I read something really funny this morning, I think it was on the BBC website. Apparently, after each of the revolting, grovelling acts of NHS-worship that have now become more or less compulsory (though I would literally die rather than take part), there's a spike in emergency cases owing to people getting injured from excess grovelling. Protect the NHS, eh? I laughed till I cried.

Here's a verse I cherish, from somebody else who didn't give a stuff for the grovelling majority:

Si l'on n'est plus que mille, eh bien, j'en suis! Si même
Ils ne sont plus que cent, je brave encore Sylla;
S'il en demeure dix, je serai le dixième,
Et s'il n'en reste qu'un, je serai celui-lâ!

Good old Hugo, barking and snarling from Guernsey. And by golly he had a loud bark. And he only had to contend with Napoleon III, actually quite a decent chap as autocrats go, and who would never have dreamed of treating human beings the way the fiends who govern us do.
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