
Sep 11, 2020 11:16

a mini book haul entry!

for some months now pinku and i have enjoyed the wonderful book section in the local second-hand-shop. i got some really great books from it (i have been reading!!! omg!!! 2020 really is that year!!! i am also planning on writing some reviews about it, but don't stay tuned i'm running out of time once again uhfff) and yesterday i caved and got myself some more silly stuff.

Don Camillo (und Peppone): I love the movies so much and i finally got around to buy the book, and it's perfect, honestly. The stories are just a few pages each, making them the ideal read for my ever shortening attention span - and they are so funny! The humor is adorable and great (some of it didn't age too well, sadly, but those instances are few and far between), I adore the characters and I am honestly amazed at how well the movies managed to capture the book's spirit. I watched the films over and over again some years ago (my grandfather has them on dvd and would play them for me and my brother, so yeah this is a bittersweet thing right now, as he still hasn't recovered from his sudden illness and likely won't anymore) and I'm really glad I bought this silly looking edition.

Shanghai Dinner: I got the first book in this series which takes place in Singapore by Nuri Vittachi like... three years ago after our vacation to Singapore because I needed something to cure my Fernweh (it didn't work hahahhhhahaha), and I finally got around to read it, so on a whim I bought the second one as well. The stories about the Feng-Shui master and his very loud, very modern, very teenage assistant (nothing skeevy going on, don't worry!!) are also mostly just short stories with absurd and funny solutions to the mysteries (a Swiss person cannot be the murderer cause he speaks French, can you believe!) and a lot of feng-shui wisdom is imposed on the reader with a very tongue-in-cheek tone but without it ever being disrespectful.
I love it and I am hoping for more of the same with a nice change in scenery in this one.

Rote Ratten: A crime novel taking place in China. I honestly bought it cause it was 75 cents and I liked the cover, so I hope it won't have any questionable things concerning women in it...Hahh, i have lost my entire faith in the world, it seems.

Today is the last day of my two-week-vacation and I can already feel the anxiety and the whole "I gotta quit my job immediately and only do what I want forever!!!"-shtick starting, but I am going to play with the cat (we got another cute bastard cat, will soon write about it!) and enjoy my new hobby (also a thing i will soon write about!) as hard as I can, to battle the work anxiety, hah!
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