6/12 - a meme

Sep 03, 2020 12:20

greek goddess asks

aphrodite - who do you love most in this world?
heh. easy one.

we.are.married. and i still cannot believe it.

hebe - what’s your fondest memory from your childhood?
huhh... lots of things, actually. one thing that came to mind immediately was the time we went on a trip with my grandparents but I had gotten the newest harry potter book right before and was basically glued to it for the entirety of the trip ... but my parets and grandparents just let me be and even asked me what was happening in my book (none of them knew a thing about harry potter, too)! that was love in its purest form, i guess.

melpomane - what is your favourite song?
changes very often, but right now it's either the opening of given

Kizuato by Centimilimental

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or When Tomorrow Comes by Eurythmics

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nike - what are you most proud of?
hmm... hard one. i am not proud of my behaviour this past year and a half so lemme get back to this in hopefully a few months.

thalia - who can always make you laugh when you’re feeling sad?
ayawinner i cant believe the universe aligned so we two could meet cause DAMN we are the funniest people on earth.

urania - do you believe in astrology? why/ why not?
nah i don't. my old physics teacher once said - rather exasperatedly cause we were giggling about our Bravo-magazine horoscopes - that the actual matter of a star had more influence on our birth than some made up pictures in the night sky. it's a very nice turn of phrase, too.

selene - would you rather the sky had no moon or no stars?
he, nice tie in. i choose no clouds! i want my glittery night sky and also i love werewolves so i gotta have my moon and eat it too!

polyhymnia - do you belong to a religion? which one?
i was baptized and i still very much like christmas but ...eh. i dont think there is one single god at this point.

pheme - which celebrity do you find most inspirational?
Uhh... i can't think of anyone i find inspirational? Although Wonho came to mind for a moment, not for his achievements per se, but in that I want him to succeed so so so bad. For the non-Kpop-crowd: He left his band (or maybe he got kicked out/pressured to leave, the details aren't available) due to some nasty rumors back in November 2019, and he is now making his solo comeback which is something nobody expected because the witch hunt last year was unreal. And now, not even a year later, he got a minialbum coming out! So...yeah, I will go with Wonho for celebrity I find inspirational :)

hecate - if you were a witch, what kind of animal would your familiar be?
ohhh! A snake! I want a big cuuuute white snake with a feather collar in jewel colours!

clotho - do you want children? what do you want to call them?
I want them yes. And I like the name "Talli".

artemis - are you a vegetarian/ vegan?
nope and i have no desire to become one. the effort required to plan/shop for vegetarian and especially vegan meals is too much for me.

athena - do you have a favourite piece of art? what is it?

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enyo - do you get angry easily?
i am honestly still figuring out what all these feelings are, but i guess i get angry easily and then i get frustrated and sad?

harmonia - if you could learn to play any instrument, what would it be?
violin, i guess. or flute, thanks The Untamed.

hestia - would you rather live in the countryside or the city? why?
absolutely in the city forever please. countryside has bad internet, noisy people and busses that will only come once every hour, so NO.

hygenia - are you a tidy person?
...no. i have a good chaotic system though. it drives my boss mad.

nyx - when was the last time you stayed out past midnight?
ha. new year's eve i guess??? i am old.

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