comment to be added.

Dec 12, 2007 22:55

This Journal has been semi-friends only for a year or two now. But two weeks thereafter 12th of January 2006, inactive friends will be removed. Because. That's not really being a friend.

You are safe if
1. You are a RL friend that I am in contact with frequently, like wynter_myst.
2. You make occasional lj posts and leave occasional comments on some of my posts.
3. You're like tinted_glass, whom I've never met but is like woah. (see image below)

Friend me only...
1. If you are a RL friend.
2. You want those extra fic cookies (although I must say I haven't been writing for a while now).
3. If you think we have plenty of common interests.
4. You can keep an open mind on anything.
5. I have friended you. ^^;

I will friend you back if you satisfy 2 OR MORE of the requirements below.
1. You are a RL friend.
2. We have common interests.
3. I like you and I think we can have decent replies on each other's LJ.
4. Your LJ actually has decent posts / is not empty. Because I want to know you too.
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