Hi all. It has come to my attention that this unavoidable... issue just cropped up. A survey, born out of the depths of hell my research, is hungry for responses.
If I've already approached you on messenger and you've (1)rejected (2)done it (3)already did the pilot study, feel free to ignore this post. Otherwise, just 10 minutes of your time, brings me closer to completing my data collection, and get me started on my analysis. My thesis is due in 25 days.
My research is on music and video downloading and sharing behaviour (dubbed "piracy" in the survey), all in the context of copyright infringement, as
protozone suggested I term it as it gives a softer edge to the whole questionnaire. Now, the survey isn't meant to be accusatory, derogatory or anything like that! I just would want to assess you on your behaviour, and many yous make a good anonymous sampling population for my study!
Some questions may seem repetitive; wording fails me; I didn't create all those questions; they were adapted from past papers that aren't on media piracy because there aren't any in-depth past research on such topic! 'cause all the monies like in software piracy. Anyway.
I'm studying mostly Australia, Singapore, Korea and America. Please help me out! Please do it when you have the time and not when you're in a rush or sleepy.
All responses confidential and private, of course. In no way will you be traceable.
If you could get your friends to do this survey too, I'd really appreciate the help. In fact, I already owe
pastles fanart for her rounding up some more people.
Click here to do the survey! And now everyone gets to know my real name... XO
(Drop me a comment if you've done it, I want to know who to thank~ All comments screened.)